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Laura Andrade
Age 45

My sister was a very beautiful, kind-hearted,loving and very giving women!

My sister had five children and she loved them dearly, thought about them 24/7, but her addiction got the best of her so she lost contact with all her babies, she was also very distant from my mom and I we tried helping her so many times but she never wanted it! Heroin had a very strong hold on her. All she wanted was that drug and all we wanted was our loved one back, but we already knew that she was not coming back-- it was too late.

Talking to her kids on the phone, looking at pictures of her kids or just knowing that they were okay.

Everything, miss everything about her


Everything, miss everything about her

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Laura Mix
Age 53

This was my mother, best friend, and world

It went on since she was a lot younger

Her Chihuahua

Motherly moments


Motherly moments

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Kyle Stevens
Age 28

Kyle loved his family and was a caring , smart, ambitious, successful businessman, positive role model/mentor baseball coach to over 1000 young men. His motto was "I will never settle to be just average-I strive to be exceptional".

My 28 year son Kyle wasn't addicted to drugs. He took great pride living a healthy lifestyle.He chose to drive after a couple beers while on a medication,extremely overtired. However (buzzed) driving is still a reckless, dangerous decision. He had a serious accident and was almost killed. He suffered a brain injury as well a downward spiral of events financially that put a strain on him. He was a proud man and feared being labeled as a drunk due to stigma. It's very black and white with hospitals/Dr's treating you and find alcohol in your blood. Whether a point over legal limit "as his" was,even legal repercussions follow as though your a hardcore alcoholic. One bad decision caused him much guilt and shame for fear of being judged. He swore to never drink and drive again. One year later he was very stressed out drank again while on several medications due to his prior injuries,his judgement was impaired and he drove again, speeding with no seatbelt. He did not survive this time. The medical community had automatically put him a category that is demeaning in nature, instead of grouping people they should be treating each person as an individual.

Kyle was HAPPY to see his family we made him smile. He had a little crooked smile also even with strangers he met & spoke with. He had a beautiful smile that was infectious, especially if you were someone he loved and cared about or were an aquaintance. He loved his pets and they always made him smile.

I miss his sense of humor.He never wanted his loved ones to be hurting, upset or even frustrated. He would make jokes and was very funny, he cheered up everyone.


I miss his sense of humor.He never wanted his loved ones to be hurting, upset or even frustrated. He would make jokes and was very funny, he cheered up everyone.

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Kyle Demiraiakian
Age 22

Kyle was an amazing person. He had a personality that attracted people to him. People loved him the minute they met him. His smile melted hearts. He would help anybody, with anything, questions unasked, in an instant. He was an avid artist in poetry and drawing. He loved seeing people smile and happy. He was always able to make anyone laugh. His sense of humor and art of story telling were like no other.

He struggled with addiction long before we ever knew there was a problem. By the time we discovered there was a problem, it was too late. We did everything in our power to help him beat it, but it had such a hold on him, there was nothing anyone could do, not even him, no matter how hard we or he tried, nothing worked. He developed Osteomyelitis, from dirty dope and was misdiagnosed at a local hospital, which caused 3 vertebrae to shatter and a kyphotic angulation to form, which meant even after reconstructive surgery, he was going to be disabled for life. He was put on iv antibiotics, for a year, to take care of the infection in his bones, before they could do any surgery. In the meantime, he was on an extensive amount of a multitude of painkillers. He was a week away from having the surgery, when his organs began shutting down. he died from sepsis and multiple organ failure.

His dog, Oryo. Me, his Mother, making others smile, Snowboarding and shopping for clothes and shoes. Had a definite fetish for shoes and clothes.

Everything. Hearing him say, "I love you Mommy.", as he kissed and hugged me and hearing him laugh and seeing him smile.


Everything. Hearing him say, "I love you Mommy.", as he kissed and hugged me and hearing him laugh and seeing him smile.

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Kodye Jobe
Age 20

Kodye was caring, thoughtful and loving even throughout her struggle with addiction. She was my best friend and my sister. She thrived on helping people and was ambitious. She was loud and stood for what she believed in. One of the most beautiful people I've ever known.

Kodyes struggles began from about 13 years old. What began with some weed somehow ended with addictions to prescription pills and heroine. I know she wanted to give up. But the addiction beat her.

Being playful or having a joke, we always were little jokers together.

Everything. Her face, her voice. Looking into her big brown eyes or resting my arms on her shoulders. Hugging her into my chest as she was so small...I miss her more than anyone could imagine.


Everything. Her face, her voice. Looking into her big brown eyes or resting my arms on her shoulders. Hugging her into my chest as she was so small...I miss her more than anyone could imagine.

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Kirby Collier
Age 22

Kirby was an amazing young woman who was beautiful, brilliant, strong and fearless. She loved animals and children and was the most amazing babysitter-so many children called her Miss Kirby and adored her. She graduated from Midland High School in Midland, TX in 2012 and was accepted to Texas A&M University, but decided not to go. She was accepted to UTMB Galveston's school of nursing and was supposed to start in 2016. She loved to play board games with her family and to snow ski. She was a loyal friend and had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. She was also a fantastic volleyball player and was incredibly strong. She wanted to sky dive, but never had the chance to do so.

Kirby began abusing alcohol, marijuana and Xanax in high school. We sent her to rehab in Newport Beach, CA on December 4, 2012 when she was 18 years old. She was desperately out of control here at home in Midland, TX. She spent six months in rehab and seemed like a changed person who wanted to be sober, have a productive future and get along with her family who loved her so much. She went back to school in California and seemed to be doing really well. Unfortunately, we later found out that she was using various drugs and drinking during most of that time. In October of 2015, we learned that Kirby was using meth and heroin. We cut off most of our financial support and told her we would send her to rehab in Florida. She flew to Jacksonville, FL on December 2, 2015. She kept relapsing and moved from treatment center to treatment center and finally completed a 30 day program. She moved into sober living and was doing IOP. She got a job at a candy store and was employee of the month! She finally decided to work the 12 Steps and she had a sponsor. She died on February 26, 2016 from heroin and fentanyl intoxication (overdose). I believe that she had the mindset to use just one more time and then move forward with her life. She had been sober for a little while and was not able to tolerate the amount she used on February 26, the worst day of our lives. She was only 22 years old.

Kirby loved all animals, but especially her rescue cat, Tink, our Cavalier King Charles, Maggie and our Golden Retriever, Gus. Gus passed away in September of 2015 and I believe he was waiting for Kirby in heaven. She loved to snow ski and was always so happy when she was the first down the mountain. She also loved the beach and really enjoyed family trips to the Panhandle of Florida. She was very competitive and loved playing board games with her family and especially when she won, which was almost every time. She loved making the highest grade in the class on a test, which she did very often. She was so happy that she was accepted to multiple nursing schools. And she really loved listening to music on her iPod. She also loved her friends and was very supportive and loyal to them. She also loved to travel and had so many more places that she wanted to visit.

I miss putting my arms around her and hugging her. I miss hearing her voice and smelling her hair. I miss praying for her to be healed and happy. I miss seeing her beautiful face and bright smile. I miss talking to her and traveling with her. I miss her every second of every day.


I miss putting my arms around her and hugging her. I miss hearing her voice and smelling her hair. I miss praying for her to be healed and happy. I miss seeing her beautiful face and bright smile. I miss talking to her and traveling with her. I miss her every second of every day.

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Kent Rimer
Age 51

Kent was in constant motion since the moment he was born. If it had wheels or a motor he rode it or drove it. He loved the thrill of speed, whether he was riding his bicycle as a child, his cars or skiing as an adult. Having the wind in his hair and the sun on his face gave him peace. He loved his family, especially his wonderful wife, Vandi and all of his friends. He was fiercely competitive in work and in play and was always a joy to be with.

He found alcohol early in life and it took control in his mid-20's. He and our family did not know or understand how to deal with the disease and its many challenges. After 25 plus years of pain and struggles he became sober, built a wonderful business, married his wonderful wife and found joy in his life. After over 10 years of sobriety and during the financial crisis and some health issues he began to abuse pain meds which led to alcohol and his death. Addiction is a BEAST.

His wife and his family and friends. His motorcycle, convertible and skiing. Sunny days and great movies.

His presence!


His presence!

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Ken Zerbe
Age 55

Ken Zerbe, my father, was a strong, proud, hard-working man. He valued honesty more than anything. He also valued privacy. He was truly brilliant with his hands, and could build or fix anything. A real genius that way. He was also a sweet and loving person, but never hesitated to stand up for himself or those he cared about most. He was hilarious, with a dry and goofy sense of humor. He was the type of person who was incapable of sitting still. Even into his mid-50s, he had more energy than folks half his age. More than anything, he loved my sister and me, his dog, and his work.

My dad's struggle was something that built really slowly over time. Coming from a rough childhood, he was never really given the skills he needed to cope with the many losses and hard times he was dealt. And he was way too prideful (and stubborn!) to admit when he needed help or when he had a problem. When his wife passed away in 2013 of issues related to her own addiction, he fell hard into a severe depression. I still don't know all the details of the last couple years of his life, and probably never will, but I know he found heroin at some point. In November of 2014, my sister and I led an intervention with him after finding evidence of his heroin use in his apartment and he vowed to get clean. And he did. He was clean for a few months. The last time I saw him was on his birthday, January 27, 2015, and he looked brighter and healthier than he had in years. Unfortunately, he relapsed in early February around the anniversary of his wife's death. Looking for an escape, he found the heroin that would end his life.

My dad would smile at lots of things. He was smiling more often than not throughout most of his life. For example, when I would laugh at his dumb "dad jokes" (he was always surprised I found him funny). When he finished a job and could step back to look at his accomplishment. When we would watch Tombstone together and quote the entire thing. When he was on his boat. When he was listening to music. When he was with his dog, Jewel. When we would poke fun and rib each other. When he could have all his family and friends over to his house for a cookout. When he would watch us open our gifts at Christmas.

Wow, only 1000 words for this section? Let's see... His smile. His hands. His hugs. His laugh (and especially the specific laugh he had for when someone did something embarrassing). Watching him work and having him teach me how to fix a car or use a certain tool. His grunts when he'd get out of a comfortable chair. The way he'd say "yowza!" all high-pitched if he cut his finger or got a splinter. His lessons in life and the serious tone he'd use. The way he'd say "I'm so proud of you kids" when he was talking about my sister or me. The brightness in his eyes when was truly happy. The way he'd hesitate to give me a hug if he was sweaty from working all day (but would anyway, of course). His love for Diet Dr. Pepper, Dairy Queen Blizzards, and banana flavored popsicles. How he'd work-in Seinfeld and random movie quotes into his everyday speech.


Wow, only 1000 words for this section? Let's see... His smile. His hands. His hugs. His laugh (and especially the specific laugh he had for when someone did something embarrassing). Watching him work and having him teach me how to fix a car or use a certain tool. His grunts when he'd get out of a comfortable chair. The way he'd say "yowza!" all high-pitched if he cut his finger or got a splinter. His lessons in life and the serious tone he'd use. The way he'd say "I'm so proud of you kids" when he was talking about my sister or me. The brightness in his eyes when was truly happy. The way he'd hesitate to give me a hug if he was sweaty from working all day (but would anyway, of course). His love for Diet Dr. Pepper, Dairy Queen Blizzards, and banana flavored popsicles. How he'd work-in Seinfeld and random movie quotes into his everyday speech.

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Karyssa Schatz
Age 22

Karyssa had a personality to make people she just met feel like a lifelong friend or even part of her family. She was always the type to be more concerned over others' well-being above her own. She had an infectious smile that would brighten a room. She was a gorgeous young woman, even though she didn't believe it herself.

Karyssa's smile brightened anyone's day. When she saw someone on the street is was like she hadn't seen them for months. She was also an animal lover and when she was with her dogs, smiles were abundant.

This is all very fresh but the hole in my heart will remain forever.


This is all very fresh but the hole in my heart will remain forever.

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Joshua Morgan
Age 21

Joshua was my third child. I loved him very much and miss him soooooo much. We lost him and his wife to a heroin overdose together. The main thing that hurts the most is they left behind a beautiful baby girl. They are not here to share her life with them and us. Heroin is the devil . He will always be forever 21 his wife Amber forever 18. Love you both. Gone but not forgotten

I do have the joy of them not being addicts. I know they tried it a few times, but it was just recreational. The final time they did it it just took their lives. I feel better knowing it took them cause I don't think I could have handled them being addicts.

Everything made him smile. He was and forever will be my knucklehead. The biggest smile was when he was looking at his baby girl.

Everything. Just his goofy smile his crazy antics. Mainly when he would walk in the house and say " momma yo momma".


Everything. Just his goofy smile his crazy antics. Mainly when he would walk in the house and say " momma yo momma".

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Joshua Patragas
Age 35

Josh was an amazing man. He selflessly helped not only the recovery community but anyone in need. His smile and laugh was contagious. He had the unique ability to help ease the pain of anyone suffering. He carried the message of God and loved Him with all his heart.

Josh worked a strong program in recovery but battled addiction for many years. He was clean for nineteen months. In a breif moment of weakness the disease snuck in and took him from us. He is proof that the disease of addiction is cunning, baffling, and powerful.

What made Josh smile was the love of his family, and friends. He also truly enjoyed helping others overcome their personal battles. He loved spreading the word and strength of the Lord.

What we miss most about him is his beautiful soul and loving nature. Josh impacted the lives of many people. He is dearly loved and missed.


What we miss most about him is his beautiful soul and loving nature. Josh impacted the lives of many people. He is dearly loved and missed.

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Joshua Pierce
Age 27

He was an intelligent man with a variety of interests and hobbies. He had a witty sense of humor and could make me laugh regardless of how I felt. Josh was highly creative and seemed to be able to accomplish whatever he put his mind to. Josh enjoyed reading so he taught himself to read at 4 years old. When he was 12 years old he wanted to play guitar so he taught himself that, too. Josh had an interest and special talent for fixing and building computers and he learned he could make a living at it, too, so he began his education in computer science. After Josh graduated high school he attended technical and county college focusing on computer science. He had earned his A+ Certification with an above average score. He had been employed as a Network Technician at local computer and network repair business.

Throughout his shortened journey his fearless and passionate personality seemed to drive him to excel but that drive also steered him towards making a lot of bad decisions that involved experimenting with alcohol and drugs at a young age. His struggles with substance use disorder and recovery attempts included residential treatment for the diagnoses of bipolar. Josh’s addiction to opiates, and subsequently heroin, did not become evident until he had experienced a near fatal overdose in December of 2013. For the next 4 months we remained vigilant, supportive, and hopeful that his attempts at treatment and recovery would be successful but he lost the battle.

Josh loved to play his guitar, play video games, work on computers but most of all he loved his cat, Sugarlump, who met Josh over the Rainbow Bridge.

Josh was my only child and I will always long for his warm hearted touch, deep conversations, beautiful smile, infectious laugh, and great big bear hugs. Josh, you are always on my mind, in my heart and in my soul. I love you forever and always to infinity and beyond ~Mom


Josh was my only child and I will always long for his warm hearted touch, deep conversations, beautiful smile, infectious laugh, and great big bear hugs. Josh, you are always on my mind, in my heart and in my soul. I love you forever and always to infinity and beyond ~Mom

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Joshua Kincaid
Age 28

Josh loved animals, fast cars and sports. He also loved his family and was afraid to die. He was my best friend and I miss him so much everyday.

Josh was fighting his addiction in private.

Almost anything. Especially animals and his family.

I miss talking to my son, going to sporting events with him and just being able to hug him and tell him I love him so much!


I miss talking to my son, going to sporting events with him and just being able to hug him and tell him I love him so much!

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Josh Zunick
Age 24

Josh was the light in any room he set foot in. He loved life and was passionate about music, science and the future. He always put his family first and made each and every person feel like they were the only people that mattered while he was with them. He had the most easy-going personality and kind spirit. He was a rare person who could make you laugh until you cried. He was my greatest source of laughter and joy and now a part of this world is grieving the loss such a wonderful and special young man.

Josh suffered from this disease tremendously and for 2 years he was never the same person. The disease became a devil inside of him and he tried desperately to stop it. Every day with this addiction was a constant battle for him. Rehabs, counselors, drugs, medicine: none of it seemed to work and Josh felt helpless and hopeless under the power of this deadly disease.

Josh smiled about life and loved everything and everyone he met. He was passionate about science and the future. He smiled as soon as he walked into a room and those around him smiled with him. He loved his family more than anything.

I miss his sense of humor and how he could make you laugh uncontrollably. He had a gift of making you feel loved and he listened with no judgements or agenda. He was my best friend.


I miss his sense of humor and how he could make you laugh uncontrollably. He had a gift of making you feel loved and he listened with no judgements or agenda. He was my best friend.

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Joseph Olsen
Age 35

Joseph was one of the most amazing people I have ever known. He was a wonderful husband and father to our son Devin Joseph. What I miss most about him is his infectious smile and silly laugh most of all being able to call on my best friend for whatever whenever.

Joseph was the type of kid that would never do drugs in high. When he was about 24 I lost my dad to this disease and that's where it started. He tried and tired to recover from this disease and on Jan. 15 2014 God called him home. He lost the was truly one of the worse days of my life.

What made Joey smile was being with his side kick our 15 year old son Devin Joseph. He absolutely loved being a daddy and Devin worshiped the ground he walked on.

I miss everything about this man. Mostly seeing him with Devin and just being able to talk to my best friend. He was the best listener. He will be forever missed


I miss everything about this man. Mostly seeing him with Devin and just being able to talk to my best friend. He was the best listener. He will be forever missed

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Jose Perez
Age 24

Jose was always the life of the party. Everyone knew him and wanted to be around his silly, sparkling energy. Jokes, animals, baseball, politics, religions, world history, love, dreams, and the possibility and potential of the future were all topics constantly discussed by our exceptionally intelligent friend. His favorite thing on the planet, aside from his friends and corny jokes, was music. Jose was a key player in the Indianapolis music event company IndyMojo, he managed their street team and constantly brought new faces into the group by spreading his love and enthusiasm for electronic music everywhere he went. He grew up in Shererville, Indiana with two beautiful sisters, a brother, and wonderful parents that love him deeply. He was brilliant, compassionate, romantic, hilarious, hard working, optimistic, and the best friend that some of us have ever had. He is still loved and will be missed every single day by his family and friends.

Jose began using when he first went away to college. After a few terrible accidents and spending some time in rehab, he decided to move to Indianapolis to start fresh. Music was his escape. But as one might imagine, shows and nightclubs in the city are painted with temptation of all colors. Many people drink at concerts and events, and Jose was always involved in the party in some shape or form, but he was always smart, safe, and responsible. He constantly told his friends how proud he was of the fact that he had been clean for so long, and we were proud and grateful as well. He loved unconditionally and whole-heartedly all of his days, and he spread his love and gave his heart so openly, that he did not keep any for himself. Jose’s heart was breaking, but he never let it show. One day the pain became too heavy for him to carry alone, and he relapsed one fateful night and ended his life.

Jose was a clown! He always had the best jokes, the silliest snapchats, and gave the best hugs. He was always smiling. Talking about Bernie Sanders and our future with his friends Spencer and Jeremy made Jose smile. Busting out laughing with Charlotte, Maggie and Samantha made Jose smile. Knowing about all of the shows before they were announced and talking about IndyMojo with Matt and Jason made Jose smile. Camping with Justin and Nancy, goofing off with Lindsay, VIP parties with Megz and Marcee, car rides with Bianca, bingo nights with Jared, wrestling with Dylan, pirate shenanigans with Tim, raging with Heather, and twerking and booty-shaking with the thousands more unlisted made Jose smile! Not to mention, sharing music, cracking jokes, festivals, patriotic prints, Bassnectar, flavored vodka, panda hats, and waving that big beautiful Indiana flag. All of things and events made Jose smile, and from now on, all of these things will remind us of Jose and we will smile too.

We all loved him so much for countless different reasons. The biggest thing we miss about our brother, our son, our best friend, is his almost magical ability to turn any day around. His glowing positivity and optimism, paired with his generosity and unconditional love would all come together to lift up your spirits and put you back on track. Whether you were sad and needed cheering up, or whether he sent you a text just to say he loved you, Jose was always spreading love and light where it was needed. He could make a problem seem like nothing worth worrying over, or he could make you laugh until you cried. He did everything in his power to make sure everyone around him was happy. He was a rock for so many of us; he was always there when we needed him. Jose’s golden heart and wild soul will be forever loved and missed by his family and friends everywhere.


We all loved him so much for countless different reasons. The biggest thing we miss about our brother, our son, our best friend, is his almost magical ability to turn any day around. His glowing positivity and optimism, paired with his generosity and unconditional love would all come together to lift up your spirits and put you back on track. Whether you were sad and needed cheering up, or whether he sent you a text just to say he loved you, Jose was always spreading love and light where it was needed. He could make a problem seem like nothing worth worrying over, or he could make you laugh until you cried. He did everything in his power to make sure everyone around him was happy. He was a rock for so many of us; he was always there when we needed him. Jose’s golden heart and wild soul will be forever loved and missed by his family and friends everywhere.

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Jonathon Morrison
Age 19

Jon grew up in Pleasanton, Texas. He loved music, movies, video games, skateboarding, and binge watching Friends. He was beautiful, kind, and very intelligent, often too smart for his own good. He was loyal, trusting, and would give the shirt off his back. Even at his lowest of lows, his greatest downfall was the caring for others before his own needs. Jon was shy by nature, but he would eventually open up to those he got close to, allowing them to see his beautiful, kind soul. He had a great sense of humor, loved to make those around him laugh, and was quite the practical jokester. He loved having “that’s what she said” contests with his mother. He was extremely artistic and loved to draw and paint, although he always doubted his ability. His artistic abilities stretched past the canvas and into the kitchen with his creative dishes, two of his favorites being Ramen noodles with Hot Cheetos, Chef Boyardee raviolis with cinnamon and enchilada seasoning. You knew Jon was having a good day and feeling happy when he would look at you…smile…and give you two thumbs up.

Jonathon's struggle began in high school with experimentation of prescription drugs. By the time he was a senior, the school had an epidemic on their hands with the proliferation of prescription drugs. Kids were stealing their parents medications and passing them out at school like M&M's. Most of the time, they didn't even know what they were taking and the risks involved with mixing various pills. Towards the end of his senior year, his experimentation transitioned to cocaine, and shortly after graduation, Meth entered the scene. At first he believed that he could be a 'recreational' user and control his use, but soon it had a grasp on him that he could not break free from. Towards the end, he truly wanted to get clean, sober, and turn his life around. But he just ran out of time.

It's hard to remember a time when Jonathon sincerely smiled. Before his addiction, he loved to spend hours sitting watching Friends, How I Met Your Mother, and The Office. He would make himself laugh with "that's what she said" jokes about most anything someone would say. When he wasn't watching his favorite shows, he was buried in any one of his favorite XBox games.

One word: Everything. I miss his daily texts, probably several hundred a day between the two of us. I miss his phone calls. I miss hearing his voice. I miss hearing him call me "old man". I miss hearing him clomp down the stairs like he had concrete feet when he would visit. I miss his "in a minute" when I would ask him to do his chores. I miss his crazy recipes he would cook in the kitchen, especially the ones that would stink up the house. I miss his smile, his laughter, his smell, and most of all, I miss his love.


One word: Everything. I miss his daily texts, probably several hundred a day between the two of us. I miss his phone calls. I miss hearing his voice. I miss hearing him call me "old man". I miss hearing him clomp down the stairs like he had concrete feet when he would visit. I miss his "in a minute" when I would ask him to do his chores. I miss his crazy recipes he would cook in the kitchen, especially the ones that would stink up the house. I miss his smile, his laughter, his smell, and most of all, I miss his love.

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Jonathan Schmitz
Age 18

Jonathan was the most caring, loving person you'd ever want to meet. He was all about peace, and caring for one another. He touched so many lives in his few 18 years with us. He loved all animals, making tye dyed shirts for his friends, cooking, and he had a real green thumb. He loved making people laugh. He had a job in which any position the manager put him in, he would do his assigned job, with no questions asked. He was just a couple of days away from going to a culinary school, and on the day of his funeral, a company he applied for ( for a second income), called to say Jon got the job. Jon was just at a major turning point in his life when he went to an electric music concert. Jon either took a combo of illegal drugs, or someone put something in his drink. He left the concert with none of his friends by his side. He got ultra hot outside ( it was 20 degrees outside). Jonathan walked onto the expressway, and was killed. His 'friends' were no where to be found.

Jonathan used pot occasionally, but if he was doing anything else, our family was in aware of it.

Holding his dog Teanie made him smile, because the dog would always smile when she saw him. He also smiled when I'd make him a home cooked meal, or I'd bring him hot chocolate in the winter when he worked outside, or an iced tea in the hot summer. He also smiled when he was with his girlfriend, and I knew he was safe with her.

His laughter, smile, hugs, and just all around presence. After his passing, I am truly grateful that he is able to give me signs on a daily basis. I know he is always with me....forever 18


His laughter, smile, hugs, and just all around presence. After his passing, I am truly grateful that he is able to give me signs on a daily basis. I know he is always with me....forever 18

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Jon Wagner
Age 36

He was intelligent, funny, charming, attractive, rebellious . . . He thought a lot about science, philosophy and life. He loved old school R&B. He liked watching South Park, House and The Walking Dead. He loved his black cat. He sang to the radio. He was a good cook. He was getting really good at calligraphy.

He started with pot, alcohol and some painkillers when he was a teen. He mostly drank and smoked weed through his 20's. When he was around 30 he started abusing painkillers with friends. He was soon doing crack and heroin, mostly heroin. Once the addiction to heroin started he never stopped for more than a few weeks here and there. This went on for six years. He lost a high paying career, a nice apartment, a beautiful girlfriend and his dream car. He got to the point where he hated his life. He finally went for inpatient treatment and was feeling great but soon the boredom and depression sunk in and he relapsed. A week later he overdosed on Fentanyl and passed away.

Everyday he would go on the Reddit app and laugh at all the stupid posts. He thought South Park was hilarious. He liked getting reactions out of people and found it amusing if he could get someone worked up. He had a great smile.

I miss cuddling up to watch TV. I miss his voice, his comments and his laugh.


I miss cuddling up to watch TV. I miss his voice, his comments and his laugh.

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John McLaughlin
Age 69

Born in Livingston, New Jersey on December 24, 1946 to World War II veterans Gloria and Jay, of solid Irish stock, with whom Jack is now resting. Jack is the eldest son of his remaining siblings: Mary Grace, Daniel, Gloria, Maureen and David. Jack graduated in 1964 from Livingston High School and then majored in Spanish at The Franciscan College of Steubenville. After graduating class of '68 he enlisted in the Army where he served in Washington, D.C. as part of the Old Guard at Arlington Cemetery. In 1976 Jack would move to Colorado seeking adventure and a new path. An avid outdoorsman, Jack would always be found with a compass, maps, and a day pack ready to hit a trail. His environmental interests led him to begin a more than 30 year career with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where he contributed to securing clean air for the nation. Jack pursued a love of science to receive a Masters in Environmental Science in 1983 from Colorado State University. Jack, an avid traveller, once hitchhiked his way through Mexico alone. Jack has been to every state in the U.S., and Puerto Rico, also once took the U.S. Forest Service Program, and could lecture all day long about geology, flora and fauna. On December 6, 1985; Jack married the love of his life Linda. He loved nothing more than to be in nature, at a ball-game, or philosophizing with friends and family. Jack and Linda were dedicated scout leaders, soccer and baseball coaches. Jack is survived by his wife, his two sons, Michael and John; his nieces and nephews; and the rest of his family and friends, and enters the chapter eternal of the Tau Kappa Epsilon brotherhood.

Since age 13 with his first drink of alcohol and 14 with his first codein trip, dad began a lifelong struggle with addiction. Entering the U.S. military during Vietnam would introduce him to heroin and methamphetamine. He sobered up from the alcohol in 1984, the year after I was born, and the year before his other son, John, came into this life. However he continued to seek out the new form of abuse: opiates and benzodiazepines through pill form, often Doctor shopping for his various pill needs.

Nature. A good hike. A baseball game. Long road trips. Yummy vegetarian cuisine. The beach boys, Eagles, John Denver and all of the early Rock n' Roll. Mafia TV and movie dramas, horror films. Silence and meditation -- which he could never just get enough of.

Dad's humor and adventurous traveling.


Dad's humor and adventurous traveling.

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