Rachael Cooper

Rachael is a Senior Director for the National Stigma Initiative. In this role, Rachael is responsible for a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing the stigmas associated with addiction, working with a variety of audiences that include employers, healthcare professionals, and more.

Before joining Shatterproof, Rachael was the Senior Program Manager and Opioid Subject Matter Expert at the National Safety Council, where she worked to address the impacts of substance use in the workplace and help employers better support their employees who are living with a substance use disorder or mental health condition. She also led the mental health pillar of the SAFER Initiative, a national response aimed at keeping employees safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, where she convened a group of national leaders and experts on mental health to help employers support their employees through both the short- and long-term mental health impacts of the pandemic. Prior to her work at the National Safety Council, she worked in the harm reduction field both in France and in Milwaukee, WI, running a syringe exchange and overdose education and naloxone distribution program.

Based in Madison, WI, Rachael has a Masters in French Studies, International Development, and Global Health from the University of Wisconsin, where she also did her undergraduate work. She lives with her partner and two cats, and is a passionate Cubs and Packers fan. She is active in several organizations in her community, focusing primary on addressing housing insecurity and domestic violence.

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