Taylor McCaughey

Here's what his first five months in recovery has taught me.

Maegan Kenney

You could never hate us more than we do when we're in active addiction.

Jenny Schranz

No one's life should end at 23-years-old.

Man looking at sunset in the distance
Carli Wargo

During Recovery Month, we should celebrate all paths to recovery, including methadone - a medication that is far too stigmatized, yet saves lives. 

Woman with red hair and her teenage son
Alexa Sparkman

Parents of Children in Recovery Share their Stories

Doctor sitting at a table and talking to a patient
Kristen DeRamus, Shatterproof Ambassador

Medication That Saves Lives

An actor has his face painted by a makeup artist on the set of Hide Your Crazy
Alex Kaplan

A new horror film explores how the hardest person to learn to love is sometimes yourself.

The author shows off a small, round, pink-purple chip she earned in AA
Kristin Gourlay

Different Paths and Upbringings but Same Journey

A selfie of the author with two loved ones out to eat at a restaurant

Meetings Are An Invaluable Resource for People in Recovery

The author smiles with her son
Karen Anginoli

You think you are the only one with these thoughts and problems, but others have the same thoughts. Going to meetings, and listening, will help.

Smiling Woman

Three Shatterproof Ambassadors Share their Experiences

A pile of candy conversation hearts in yellow, purple, blue and green
Lisa Smith

Dating While in Recovery

The author, Kari, with her husband at the beach
Kari Rummel

How Love from A Partner Helps Me in My Recovery Warrior Journey 

Bart Preston on a hike, wearing his daughter in a carrier
Maritza Hiciano

Continuing Love and Purpose

A table set for a holiday celebration, with lit candles and cloth napkins
Anne Lopez

A certified Peer Recovery Specialist weighs in.

Woman in a support circle

Support Alcohol Awareness Month

Your contribution will help make a difference in the lives affected by alcohol addiction.
