Jalen headshot

Jalen Bosker (he/him) is an accomplished art director and designer, known for his expertise in crafting visually captivating experiences. With a passion for designing with purpose, Jalen uses his creative skills to advocate for social causes and amplify the voices of marginalized and disenfranchised individuals through his artwork and storytelling.

Jalen holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from Youngstown State University, and is pursuing his Master of Fine Arts degree, further expanding his artistic horizons and pushing the boundaries of visual communication.

Beyond the realm of design, he finds solace and inspiration in the great outdoors. You can often find him embarking on exhilarating hiking trips, exploring nature's wonders, and getting himself in some pretty precarious situations (that often leave bruises). He's also a regular attendee of music festivals, where he immerses himself in the diverse sounds and energies of the medium.

Jalen's love for creativity extends beyond his professional pursuits. He believes in embracing a multitude of creative endeavors, constantly pushing his own boundaries and exploring new artistic mediums. From poorly playing the guitar, to amateur filmmaking, he embraces the joy of discovery, failure, and self-expression.

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