Koryn Rubins sits smiling in front of a light background, in a green shirt

Koryn Rubin is an Assistant Director with the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Federal Advocacy Group based in Washington D.C. Koryn provides strategic direction on setting the AMA’s quality related advocacy agenda in order to advocate before the Executive Branch on behalf of the nation’s physicians and a lead on MACRA implementation for the AMA. In particular, she is responsible for analyzing regulations and legislation on Medicare and Medicaid quality reporting and value-based purchasing programs, health information exchange quality ratings system, physician performance measurement and public reporting, and comparative effectiveness research. 

Prior to joining the AMA, Koryn was a Senior Manager at the American Association of Neurological Surgeons where she provided guidance on the implementation of the Medicare quality programs and Meaningful Use, reviewed performance measures, as well as assisted neurosurgery with the launch of their registry, National Neurosurgery Outcomes and Quality Database (N2QOD). Koryn also previously worked at the American Academy of Ophthalmology and was the Academy’s staff representative to the AMA CPT Editorial Panel. 

Koryn earned her masters of health administration from the George Washington University with a graduate certificate in health information technology, and her undergraduate degree also from George Washington with a concentration in Political science. 

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