Shatterproof Wordle

49 million Americans live with addiction.
Play Shatterproof's Wordle to learn what we're doing about it.

How to play


Today's Wordle is APRIL


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April is Alcohol Awareness Month and we're bringing real change to people who need it. While opioid use has skyrocketed in the past two decades, and deaths due to drugs like fentanyl and tranq, alcohol remains the most used substance and is the third leading cause of preventable death.

Alcohol use is everywhere in America. People drink when they’re happy and when they’re sad and for every reason in between. Over 85% of Americans have used alcohol in their lifetime; 133 million have use alcohol in the past month.

Learn more about alcohol addiction and what Shatterproof is doing about it. 

With your help, we can empower change.

Support our mission to increase access to recovery, prevention, and mental health resources for everyone who needs them.
Teen talking to a therapist

Help make mental health resources accessible

We need your support reversing addiction and promoting mental health across communities.
