Shatterproof Wordle

49 million Americans live with addiction.
Play Shatterproof's Wordle to learn what we're doing about it.

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Today's Wordle is BRAIN


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19 M written over a silhouette of the US

Addiction does not come from a lack of character - it is a brain disorder. 

Mental health disorders and addiction are intricately connected with each other. According to SAMHSA, 19 million Americans live with both substance use and a mental health disorder.

When these disorders occur together, they are referred to as co-occurring disorders. For recovery to be successful, co-occurring disorders need to be taken into account and treated at the same time. 

Want to learn more? Click here to learn more about how addiction influences specific mental health disorders. 

With your help, we can empower change.

Support our mission to increase access to recovery, prevention, and mental health resources for everyone who needs them.
Teen talking to a therapist

Help make mental health resources accessible

We need your support reversing addiction and promoting mental health across communities.
