Shatterproof Wordle

49 million Americans live with addiction.
Play Shatterproof's Wordle to learn what we're doing about it.

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Today's Wordle is RENEW


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A new year means a fresh start. 

It also means millions of people are participating in Dry January. For some people, this month is a nice way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle in the new year. Drinking less is usually associated with other beneficial choices like eating better, exercising more, and spending time with family. 

But Dry January isn't for everyone. 

For people who struggle with their dirnking, quitting for a short period of time can mask a larger issue. The accomplishment of succeeding at a sobriety challenge can lead some people to dismiss warning signs of alcoholism. They may think, "I quit for a whole month – I don't struggle with addiction." When, in reality, they do. 

Learn more about Dry January.

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Support our mission to increase access to recovery, prevention, and mental health resources for everyone who needs them.
Teen talking to a therapist

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We need your support reversing addiction and promoting mental health across communities.
