Taylor Walicki

My name is Taylor and I am elated to be running the 2024 NYC Marathon on behalf of Team Shatterproof. I have been running for about ten years now, but this will be my first marathon. I am overjoyed that my first marathon will help make a difference for those battling addiction and helping turn the tide against the opioid epidemic.

My family has been greatly impacted by addiction, but fortunate enough to be treated. I hope that my fundraiser will help make treatment more accessible to others!

I am doing a 30-week training program by Hal Higdon. It is 12 weeks of building my cardio base followed by 18 weeks of marathon training. I chose Team Shatterproof because my family has been impacted by the opioid epidemic and I hope to make treatment more accessible for others.

Follow Taylor's training and support her campaign for change!

Teen talking to a therapist

Help make mental health resources accessible

We need your support reversing addiction and promoting mental health across communities.
