Butch  Dixon

Butch Dixon

My son, my everything...

My son was a wonderful person even with his addiction. He struggled with this demon for 11 years. It wasn't an every day thing for him, but when he used he went hard at it. There were many nights I would stay awake to keep checking on him if I knew he was using. He never even knew I did that. He OD'd twice before it finally took him. I remember getting him off the floor and trying to keep him moving until the ambulance came. His father found him out cold face down in the shower. There are too many bad times to talk about, but through it all I never stopped loving him. I was never ashamed of him. I just wanted my son to get better. This addiction led to many times in jail, rehab, and halfway houses. None of this worked. He had gone over a year without using but that devil on his shoulder came calling. Three different types of fentanyl was found in his system. My life will never be the same again. He was my only child. If he could have gotten therapy and drug counseling I think things may have turned out differently. I think we need to find out why they use, what pain are they trying to escape from? All I can tell you is this needs to stop. So many of his friends are also gone. No mother should ever have to go through the pain of losing her baby. It's a pain that I can't even explain. He took a big piece of me when he left. My heart is shattered....I love you Butch, Always and Forever..mom...Forever my angel