Chad Brock

Son, Father, Brother, Grandfather, Friend
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What Chad was like

My son was a fantastic artist with a huge heart and a smile for everyone. His laugh was contagious and his bear hugs were the absolute best. He was willing to help out with anything. He had no fear and was always up for an adventure!

Fondest memories of Chad

My favorite memory of Chad was watching him play with his beautiful daughter and his niece and nephew. He loved kids and they all loved him back. He would have been such a great grandpa for Sophia. Sadly he passed away before she was born.

How Chad will be missed

I miss his huge hugs, his laugh and his positive attitude. He was usually the life of the party but he also enjoyed his alone time.

How Chad will be remembered

Chad would like to be remembered as a helpful friend and loving father, son, brother and uncle.