Dalton Kane Finley

Loving Brother, Father, & Son
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What Dalton was like

Dalton was the most unique soul you would ever meet. He had such an infectious laugh and smile, and was always your shoulder to lean on. He was friends with everyone, loved his kids, and loved his family. He was also beyond appreciative of everyone.

Fondest memories of Dalton

Dalton had a heart of pure gold. Many times, we would raise baby deer and raccoons. While we thought we had obtained the right permit, as instructed by the DNR, it never seemed as though the conservation officer would leave us alone. They would always confiscate our animals, we would find more abandoned by their mothers, and they would come take them again. He was always so excited to call me and say “Jord, you’re going to be so excited. Hurry, come over, I have us another raccoon/deer.”

How Dalton will be missed

I will miss his genuine caring nature, his smile, his huge heart, his protective instincts over his family, and the love he had for everyone e. He will forever be missed.

How Dalton will be remembered

Dalton was too unique and caring to be in such a cruel world. He was the most unmaterialistic person you’d ever meet, and just enjoyed the beautiful things in life. He was not his addiction; he was just too broken for this world.