Michael Thomas Matousek

Brother, father, son💙 heart of a hippie
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What Michael was like

My BIG brother was my favorite! I loved him with my whole heart, my whole life! Deep, kind, gentle spirit, relentless to his core yet always a little “off the beaten path”. He made struggling look easy, and problems seem NON-Negotiable. My BiG bRo💔

Fondest memories of Michael

Saturday morning cartoons and cereal in our neon Tupperware bowls….. flashlight alley tag and catching lightening bugs. Him sleeping on my bedroom floor while
I was afraid of the dark.
——-watching him become a father & then be a daddy!
- the phone call* which resulted in my pregnant self moving in with Him and taken care of 💜 him always being THERE, silent and in the background, yet alert, and aware. I LOVE you Michael!

How Michael will be missed

His laugh, -knowledge, -determined work ethic, & His ‘roll with the punches, don’t bitch too much, attitude’! His teasing,⤵️ my whining🫣LOL
Evening tv on couch
Balloon ware fare and alllll the school AMs

How Michael will be remembered

Full of life with a hippie heart and a music filled soul! Flying high in the sky, with a joint in one hand, tossing a hacky sack in the other!