Rebecca Galindo

Mother, sister, best friend
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What Rebecca was like

Becky was an amazing person, she had her struggles but she was so smart and funny. She was my BEST FRIEND! Although she struggled with addiction she always tried to do the best she could in life.

Fondest memories of Rebecca

My favorite memory was how much she loved cats. She would always talk in the really weird voice to them and when my daughter was barely about 7 months old she mumbled in the same voice “I’m lovin it!” We joked that while I was pregnant she talked like that around my belly and basically my little girl was born to say it because it’s all she ever heard Becky talking about. It’s just something funny between us and not everyone can understand but I will never forget her voice!

How Rebecca will be missed

I will miss laughing with her, picking her up first thing everyday and always trying to figure out what restaurant we were going to eat on our budget.

How Rebecca will be remembered

She would want everyone to know that no matter how much she struggled she loved her kids with all her heart and soul and she would want everyone to know she was sorry for the way she left us so unexpectedly.