Shatterproof Wordle

49 million Americans live with addiction.
Play Shatterproof's Wordle to learn what we're doing about it.

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Today's Wordle is BLACK


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Safe Addiction Resources for Black People 

Searching for addiction help as a Black person can be tough. Many places only highlight statistics, which just remind people how difficult it can be to find help when you’re part of this community.  While that information would be helpful to write a paper, it’s less helpful when you’re trying to find science-based addiction care. So, instead of having to scour the internet for hours, we’ll take the load off your shoulders. 

Click here to view addiction resources. 

With your help, we can empower change.

Support our mission to increase access to recovery, prevention, and mental health resources for everyone who needs them.
Teen talking to a therapist

Help make mental health resources accessible

We need your support reversing addiction and promoting mental health across communities.
