Specialty addiction treatment facilities across the six states piloting ATLAS™ asked to respond to a survey on their facility’s services and clinical practices, invite patients to participate in a perception of care survey
Specialty addiction treatment facilities across the six states piloting ATLAS™ asked to respond to a survey on their facility’s services and clinical practices, invite patients to participate in a perception of care survey
Specialty addiction treatment facilities across the six states piloting ATLAS™ asked to respond to a survey on their facility’s services and clinical practices, invite patients to participate in a perception of care survey
Specialty addiction treatment facilities across the six states piloting ATLAS™ asked to respond to a survey on their facility’s services and clinical practices, invite patients to participate in a perception of care survey
Specialty addiction treatment facilities across the six states piloting ATLAS™ asked to respond to a survey on their facility’s services and clinical practices, invite patients to participate in a perception of care survey
Primary care physicians featuring in-office opioid education from PatientPoint and Shatterproof prescribed nearly 3 million fewer opioid pills than national average October 2017-May 2018