How To Stay Supported, Connected, and Healthy During The COVID-19 Pandemic

A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a purple top and jeans, looks out her window at brick neighborhood buildings. Photo by Scott Warman on Unsplash

How will I get my addiction medications during this pandemic?
My recovery meetings are canceled. How can I find support?
I’m worried. How can I connect?

We are in the midst of some anxious times.

Every American is impacted by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. And people affected by addiction face unique challenges.

Your health, safety, and comfort are our biggest priorities. Here’s some information to help you navigate through this.

Maintaining treatment access

Addiction patients should not lose access to their lifesaving care right now. Treatment has to be provided in ways that are safest for both patients and healthcare workers.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has recommended that Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) in every state provide patients with take-home medication. And the Addiction the American Society of Addiction Medicine has released its clinical guidelines for alcohol withdrawal management ahead of schedule, aiming to educate providers and help raise awareness of patients who are at risk right now.

 Shatterproof has been reaching out to state leaders to offer our support in following these recommendations and increasing telemedicine access.

Virtual recovery support

No one needs to go without recovery support during the COVID-19 crisis. Check out our round-up of virtual recovery meetings and other social supports.

Grief support apps and podcasts

Grieving an addiction loss can already be isolating, so in times of physical isolation, it's important to engage with your feelings and get support when you need it. Eluna recommends some great podcasts for adults and apps for kids. GRASP has book recommendations and meditation resources. And the podcast Last Day offers an engaging deep-dive into addiction issues from a grief perspective (and our founder Gary appears on episode 11).

Join the conversation on social media

We’re on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and we’d love to hear from you. Add a comment, share our posts, and find comfort in conversations with others in the community.

Share your story

Got down time? Create a memorial or celebrate recovery.

Recommended reading from the Shatterproof blog

Stay safe. Stay supported. Stay Shatterproof.

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