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James Theodore Brandon Kirkland

Age 33
Generous, loving, loyal and funny.
Age 33

Brandon was the best son! He always made me laugh and he was so generous and kind. He passed away from a fentanyl overdose one year and 2 weeks after his little brother who died from the same type of overdose. My life is definitely less colorful!

Him starring me awake looking thru his baby bed, he always looked like he was in baby jail and he had the cutest baby blue long johns on. This was just the start of many!!!

The sound of his voice calling me mom and his smile.

As a loving generous father, son and brother.

Dawson Pettit

Age 26
Kind,sensitive,Pure Heart
Age 26

Dawson was a beautiful soul that loved his family, his dog Burly, and music. He is forever missed and thought of each and every day by his mother (me) who would give everything I own for 5 more minutes with my sweet Dawson.

My favorite memory of Dawson is a culmination and combination of many memories- his love of music, laughter, and people and his crazy way of talking, his nicknames for everyone, and his photographic memory of anything he had read or viewed he could remember it vividly.

Dawson's laugh, pure and joyful.

As a good son, brother, grandson, cousin, and friend.

Austin James Foreman

Age 33
Father, husband, son, brother, friend
Age 33

Austin was such a fun soul. He had goals and dreams, he worked hard and was very loved. He was so handsome, and he knew it. Austin knew how to please people and was very sentimental.

Watching Auston become a father again to our daughter

His laugh, his jokes, his kisses on my forehead

I know Austin wants his goodness to live through the kids

Christopher Chiaramonte

Age 35
Son, brother,caring, thoughtful.sensitive
Age 35

The best child that could of ever been brought into my life

Our Florida trip together

His voice,his hugs,his presence. Our short time together.

As a kind-hearted bright person that touched many

Robert Paul Goebel

Age 20
Beautiful son, loyal brother
Age 20

A beautiful young man with sparkling blue eyes and unruly blonde curls. As a child, he was outgoing, capturing everyone with his silliness and charming good looks. A caring and kind person, Robbie's hugs came freely and were always warm and sincere.

His sense of style was unique. He wasn’t afraid to be different, and independent…always a trendsetter. Rob was always so good at every hobby he extremely talented skateboarder, BMX rider, snowboarder, fisherman and welder. He loved spending time outdoors, fly fishing, salmon fishing, pond fishing - any kind, actually. He was content on the water and relished perfecting technique and the satisfaction of a well-earned catch. He enjoyed live music festivals and the Grateful Dead, too.

I do and will always miss everything about my youngest son. Life feels incomplete, off-balance now.

Without stigma and shame. Robbie was much more than he gave himself credit for. He gave of himself freely and would want to be remembered for his love, loyalty and passion for free-thinking and living according to his terms.

Wallace Jack

Age 39
Intelligent, caring and dependable
Age 39

A beautiful jump shot


Andrew J Powell

Age 23
Loving, kind, and a contagious smile
Age 23

Dedicated son, brother, friend, and uncle. Always made everyone laugh. I miss everything about him. I also want people to know that I want to hear his name spoken. He will never be forgotten

All of the happy times watching him with his brothers and sister. He loved us all

I will miss him saying I love you ma

As a happy, kind, sweet young man that he was

Natalie Burke

Age 22
Daughter, Love & Light
Age 22

Being her Mother, she was my precious baby daughter. Full of spunk & joy. She grew up to be a beautiful young lady that got caught in heroin

I will miss EVERYTHING! Hugging her. Her presence,

Danielle (Dani) Yvonne Benson

Age 25
Age 25

She was beautiful inside and out! A loving daughter, grandaughter, sister, cousin and friend! She loved with her whole heart! Her friends and family were everything to her. She is missed by everyone she touched in her short 25 years!

I will miss your smile and laugh! They way you were always on Your phone or digging through your purse! I will miss how much you cared about EVERYONE but yourself! I MISS BEING YOUR MOM!

Ravon Sidoo

Age 26
My Son
Age 26

Ravon was sweet and kind. A Gentle Giant.

Ravon was an amazing father to his son Ravon Jr. He always strived to make a better life for his family.

I love you, I miss you and you will be remembered forever...Mom

Amanda Elizabeth McMiller

Age 30
First born, loved by many
Age 30

My firstborn, only daughter. She was smart, funny, caring,beautiful. She lit up a room with her presence.

Labor and delivery of her first born child. Strong, beautiful. Moved.

I will miss her facial expressions. Her face showed everything.

She struggled, she fought, hard. She matters! Granddaughter, daughter, sister, mother, niece, aunt, cousin and friend to many. Our family will never be the same.

Benjamin Mauro

Age 42
Loved by many
Age 42

Every day he fought to live a sober life. His last night on this earth was actually trying to help someone who was struggling in recovery. His demons unfortunately won a few hours later. His life ended but his memory will always live on.

So hard to pick just one, but it has to be our first kiss. Also his eyes...I felt like I could see his soul shining.


As a hardworking man that would literally give his shirt off his own back to anyone in need. A father to a beautiful young lady. A fighter.... who put his heart and soul into a life of recovery.

Johnny Kenneth Stack

Age 19
Died by Cannabis-Induced Psychosis
Age 19

Johnny was an incredibly intelligent, funny, charming, handsome young man. He had a happy life, a 4.0 GPA with a scholarship to college & a family who loved him very much. Unfortunately, we live in Colorado, which was the 1st to legalize marijuana.

Three days before he passed, Johnny came over for dinner. He lived in our condo a couple miles down the street and would often pop in for a home-cooked meal. “I need to tell you that you were right,” he says me. “Right about what?” I ask. “Right about the marijuana. You told me weed would hurt my brain, and it’s ruined my mind and my life. You were right all along. I’m sorry, and I love you.” He died by suicide 3 days later. He thought the mob was after him & the FBI thought he was a terrorist.

The harmful combination of a still-forming mind, high-potency THC products, and a high frequency of use = Cannabis-Induced Psychosis (CIP). Repeated CIP incidents can trigger schizophrenia or other mental illness, and even when the cannabis is withdrawn, the psychosis doesn’t go away. As parents, we must first educate ourselves about the dangers of high-THC marijuana on the growing brain. Then we must warn our children when they are young (10-12 years old).

Johnny's spirit lives on through Johnny's Ambassadors, our 501c3 nonprofit we formed after he died to educate teens and those who love them about the dangers of today's high-THC marijuana on the developing adolescent mind. Johnny's #1 value was altruism, so we keep warning others with his words. We will work diligently prevent youth substance abuse, mental illness, and suicide. Please join us and become one of Johnny's Ambassadors at Thank you!

Duane Jaraczewski

Age 44
Father, loving, loyal, misunderstood, heart of gold.
Age 44

My dad was a felon. People always judged him and misunderstood who he was. In my eyes, my father was compassionate and loving. He would give anything for those he cared about. He enjoyed things like fishing, and collecting old coins.

My dad passed when I was 13, I and I am 17 now. One of my most favorite memories was when he taught me how to throw a football with my cousin Mike. My dad always encouraged me that I could be good at anything I wanted, and told me how special I was. It was moments like that when I could truly see his character behind his addiction.

My dad always said two things, “I’d give the shirt off my back for you”, and “I wish I could take your pain and feel it all for myself”. I will miss the support and unconditional love he had for my family and I for the rest of my life.

My dad would only care about how his family and close friends remembered him. He knew that people saw he was imperfect, and it hurt him, but as long as we loved him it didn’t matter. He would want me to be happy and go to college for him, and achieve things he never did.

Marc Walter Kane

Age 29
Intelligent, Charismatic, Hilarious, Loyal, Irreplaceable
Age 29

Marc is my younger brother and my oldest friend. You always knew when he walked in the room because he had this amazing presence about him. Since he was a kid, his favorite go-to snack was milk and cookies, Chips Ahoy and Oreos were his favorites! He had a fantastic, witty sense of humor and always made me laugh. He loved flashy sunglasses and shoes. He was very open-minded and accepting of people from all walks of life. Even at times when he was struggling, he was always willing to help others. He was an amazing listener and such an empathetic person.


I have too many to narrow down, but some of my favorite memories were the times when we were just hanging out, giving our own commentary on movies, TV shows, or YouTube videos we were watching together. We played off each other so well like we were our own Mystery Science Theater 3000 and we made each other laugh so much.


I miss my deep conversations with him and his perspective. I miss his over the top reactions to things he was excited about. I miss the random texts and calls to discuss a ton of nothing and everything all at once. I miss his laugh. I miss it all.

Marc would want people to remember him for his big heart, compassion, and sense of humor. He would want people to remember the good times that they had with him. 

If anyone would like to donate in his memory, I've created this fundraiser that supports Shatterproof: In Loving Memory of Marc Kane



Francesca Nicole Dosio

Age 23
My beautiful aunt
Age 23

Francesca knew how to make everyone laugh. She was my best friend and made my childhood great. Some of my best memories include her by my side.

I’ll miss her beautiful smile and contagious laughter.

Francesca loved animals. She would want people to donate to SPCAs and to love every animal they come across. And to just continue to laugh and love each other.

Adam James Perri

Age 29
A Sensitive Soul. A Dreamer.
Age 29

Adam was random. An Artist. A Dreamer. Adam was creative and insanely intelligent with a dry sense of humor. He was well-read. Thoughtful. Adam loved music, listening to it, especially in person…playing his guitar…creating it. He was passionate, always advocating for justice.

He listened with intensity. Always sharing a story, an obscure fact, or song that he thought a person would appreciate based on what may have been the briefest of conversations. He showed up for others and animals. He never met a cat or dog he didn’t love. They could sense his kindness.

Adam mattered and he is missed beyond measure. I will miss his laugh and how it made me laugh. I will miss walking the city streets with him, or more so, following him since he knew them so well. I will miss landing at the Royal Tavern for lunch and then onward to 4th Street for dessert. I loved Adam. I still do. I always will. He will forever be my first love, my baby boy.

Adam once wrote, “I’d prefer to be remembered as a smiling face.”

Jason Vogels

Age 41
Passionate, humble, selfless, hilarious
Age 41

Jason had a tender heart and a warped sense of humor.

Those closest to him say he was their most reliable friend. Many say he was their best friend. Some say their only friend.

Jason had immeasurable knowledge and passion for all facets of metal and rock & roll. Music was his sanity. His sanctuary. His home.

His biggest love of all was his now 10-year-old daughter. She was his heart & soul. He will always be her hero.