Marc Walter Kane

Intelligent, Charismatic, Hilarious, Loyal, Irreplaceable
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What Marc was like

Marc is my younger brother and my oldest friend. You always knew when he walked in the room because he had this amazing presence about him. Since he was a kid, his favorite go-to snack was milk and cookies, Chips Ahoy and Oreos were his favorites! He had a fantastic, witty sense of humor and always made me laugh. He loved flashy sunglasses and shoes. He was very open-minded and accepting of people from all walks of life. Even at times when he was struggling, he was always willing to help others. He was an amazing listener and such an empathetic person.


Fondest memories of Marc

I have too many to narrow down, but some of my favorite memories were the times when we were just hanging out, giving our own commentary on movies, TV shows, or YouTube videos we were watching together. We played off each other so well like we were our own Mystery Science Theater 3000 and we made each other laugh so much.


How Marc will be missed

I miss my deep conversations with him and his perspective. I miss his over the top reactions to things he was excited about. I miss the random texts and calls to discuss a ton of nothing and everything all at once. I miss his laugh. I miss it all.

How Marc will be remembered

Marc would want people to remember him for his big heart, compassion, and sense of humor. He would want people to remember the good times that they had with him. 

If anyone would like to donate in his memory, I've created this fundraiser that supports Shatterproof: In Loving Memory of Marc Kane