David Nicolas Musselman

Son, Father, Friend to All
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What David was like

My son was an addict, but I don't want that to be his legacy. He was a kind hearted man who was in a lot of pain. He shared what he had until the day he died. If David had a roof over his head and food in his cupboard then you would you also.

Fondest memories of David

The day before he died will be cherished in my heart forever. I took him shopping for new work boots. He had been trying for months to get clean. He was doing great! He was starting a new job and was more clear than I had seen him in years. His birthday was a couple days away and he told me that 34 was going to be his year. He was going to get clean, work, build a life for himself and his girlfriend and be able to see his kids again. He hugged and kissed me goodbye and said "I love you Ma."

How David will be missed

His hugs. His big all enveloping hugs. The kind of hug that makes you feel totally comforted and that everything will be ok.

How David will be remembered

He would like people to remember his sense of humor.