Glenn Ivan Miller

Son, brother, fiance, stepfather, uncle
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What Glenn was like

Glenn loved his family, and being in nature. He had a special gift when it came to animals. He could fix anything, especially cars. He struggled with addiction, but loved with his whole heart.

Fondest memories of Glenn

I will never forget the first night I met him. We were out in the woods for a party, and when I was ready to leave, he helped me find my way out of the woods, and carried me over the stream. We both knew we were going to be in each others lives from that moment on.

How Glenn will be missed

I miss so many things about Glenn; listening to music with him, his hugs, his kiss, this love for me and my children, his "rants" about anything he was passionate about; his love of nature, his big heart. Everything.

How Glenn will be remembered

I believe Glenn would liked to be remembered as someone who was one with nature, an animal lover, and someone who loved and protected his family with everything in him, as well as always helping someone less fortunate.