Sable Easterlin

Friend, daughter, sister, loving, amazing
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What Sable was like

Sable was a gentle soul who would do anything for anyone. She was an amazing friend and sister. I was by her side through the good times before addiction took hold and I’m sorry to say I was not around enough once it did I wish I would have done more

Fondest memories of Sable

Driving around for no reason at all and singing at the top of our lungs. And our late night talks when we were having issues or stressed.

How Sable will be missed

I will miss her talks, her encouragement, her smile. I miss everything about her.

How Sable will be remembered

Sable was a fighter. She once weighed over 500 lbs and was able to get down to 150 and take control. I’m sad to say that this weight loss may have led to her infertility which in turn led to her addiction. But she was so proud when she got that weight off and I was so darn proud of her.