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Ian Brown
Age 21

Ian was so loved . He was kind and had a beautiful aura that made you like him instantly. He was beautiful and funny and a gifted athlete. He loved his family and we loved him so very much. He had a heart for God. He loved his little sister Courtney, aka "Little Buddy". He loved to surf and play his guitar. He was patient and sweet with little kids.

Oops I did these questions backwards.... The things that made Ian smile.... The ocean and surfing! Hunting with his dad, eating pancakes with whipped cream! His family ... He hugged us and told us he loves us every time he walked in the house.

Ian experimented with drugs for "no real reason" he was just being stupid with his friends. He thought that smoking heroin was no big "leap" from smoking weed. He soon realized it was the stupidest choice he had ever made. He admitted his addiction to us at 18 and asked for help. The next 3 years was a series of rehabs and relapses. Each time he relapsed he became more filled with despair and lost confidence that he could ever stay sober. When he died, he was in his 4th rehab program and hadn't use for almost 4 months.

I miss everything about Ian. He was full of life until Heroin took it away and broke him down and made him forget the beautiful boy he once was.


I miss everything about Ian. He was full of life until Heroin took it away and broke him down and made him forget the beautiful boy he once was.

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Ian Southwell
Age 30

Ian was an incredibly caring and selfless person. He would listen to everyone else's issues but had a very difficult time opening up about his own. He had a wonderfully silly sense of humor and a wicked grin.

Ian struggled with addiction for nearly 10 years. It caused so much tension in the family. He went through two stints in rehab, but he couldn't seem to break free.

His son and his pets.

Everything. I will forever miss the feel of his arms when he hugs me. I am still waiting for his phone number to come up on my cell phone. Everything.


Everything. I will forever miss the feel of his arms when he hugs me. I am still waiting for his phone number to come up on my cell phone. Everything.

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Griffin James
Age 20

Griffin was my first born child, my only son. He was the most remarkable, compassionate, funny person with the most beautiful smile that was contagious and would light up the room the second he walked in. He was always willing to help friends and neighbors and even strangers without being asked. Griffin was a college student with his whole life ahead of him. He collected sneakers,loved playing basketball and video games and riding his bike. Griffin loved his family and friends with a loyalty that could not be surpassed.Griffin was fearless and unstoppable. He set goals for himself and never became discouraged when obstacles arose. He loved life, his family and his friends.

About a year ago Griffin admitted to me that he started smoking weed at about the age of 14. I had no clue. He was always active , had a job and did well in school. About 2 years ago his personality started to change. He was still working and was attending Aviation Mechanic School, but he was not quite himself. In October of 2015, Griffin quit college and started hanging out in the "badlands" of North Philly. He eventually lost the job he had since he was 14 years old, working with a close family friend. Griffin was arrested and his personality rapidly changed. He went from happy go lucky Griff to sullen, withdrawn and sometimes downright mean. I'm not sure when he started using pills, but I later found out he was using Xanax, Percocet and Oxycodone. Griffin's appearance and demeanor changed completely over the last 6 months of his life. He lost weight, became withdrawn, sometimes angry and more depressed and I watched the light and joy fade from his eyes. I scheduled appointments for him with therapists, mental health professionals and rehab centers, and although he would optimistically look forward to getting his life back on track he would never follow through. On June 26,2016, I received the worst news a mother could hear, "you have to come with me, there is something wrong with Griffin". When I arrived, the paramedics were doing CPR. It seemed like hours and finally at 12:20 pm we were told he had no pulse, there was nothing they could do. His father, myself and his girlfriend spent the next 3 hours sitting with him. I laid next to him, stroking his hair, singing to him and begging him to come back to us. But Griffin was gone. An accidental overdose at the age of 20 would forever change so many lives.

When Griffin found out he was going to be a father he smiled so big. And he smiled when he was with is childhood friends, 3 boys who were more like brothers to him. And when he was hanging with his dad. They had a special bond that was unbreakable. Griffin never really stopped smiling until the last 6 months of his life.

What I will miss the most about Griffin is his smile, his sense of humor and his infections laugh. The way he would hug me & say "I love you Mommy". The fact that I will never plan his wedding or another birthday party or celebratory event for him ever again. The fact that he will not be here to meet his daughter when she is born. I miss everything about Griffin.


What I will miss the most about Griffin is his smile, his sense of humor and his infections laugh. The way he would hug me & say "I love you Mommy". The fact that I will never plan his wedding or another birthday party or celebratory event for him ever again. The fact that he will not be here to meet his daughter when she is born. I miss everything about Griffin.

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Graham Mitchell
Age 24

Graham loved music. He always was listening to or singing or playing music. He loved art and tattoos and dreamed of some day being a professional tattoo artist. He loved to joke and was always on the look out for a good prank to pull. He loved big and was loyal to those fortunate enough to call him friend.

Graham battled with heroin for several years. After completing more treatment he thought he finally had it licked. He lasted 1 week outside of the controlled environment before he used. That last week of his life he was high on meth until he finally turned back to heroin. That final choice took his life. I read these words after the tragic overdose of Philip Seymour Hoffman, "It wasn't the last needle that killed me. It was the first."

Being around people and those he cared for made him smile.

I miss his singing. Graham sang everything. He didn't come in to a room and say hi, he danced in to a room signing it at the top of his lungs. He had funny off the wall expressions and sayings for everything. I miss his hugs. I really miss hearing "I love you mom"


I miss his singing. Graham sang everything. He didn't come in to a room and say hi, he danced in to a room signing it at the top of his lungs. He had funny off the wall expressions and sayings for everything. I miss his hugs. I really miss hearing "I love you mom"

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Gerald Chaviaras
Age 45

Gerald was the love, life, and heartbeat of our family. He loved to make everyone laugh, to tell stories, to make the world bright and spread love and joy wherever he went. He was a talented musician, a gifted artist, and nature enthusiast. He truly lived live to the fullest and embraced every opportunity for adventure he could. He has traveled to the far reaches of the world and seen many amazing things on nearly every continent.

Jerry's death was the product of someone else's addiction. Because of his kind heart, he tried it one time to protect someone else from doing it, and died from an overdose.

His family, nature, travel, music, and love

Jerry had the type of smile that would light up the room. We miss his presence, his loving smile, and the way he was there for everyone all the time.


Jerry had the type of smile that would light up the room. We miss his presence, his loving smile, and the way he was there for everyone all the time.

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George Reyna
Age 22

George was extremely outgoing, full of humor and would light up a whole room with his presence. He was outgoing in sports, dance, friends. He still makes me smile when I think of my memories with him. I could read his every move with his eye and body movement. We had a deep spiritual connection. Now his 2 younger brothers are full blown heroin addicts. I am stuck, I don't know how to help them now.

George started smoking pot, I believe age 11 or 12. I know I found him drunk just a few times. I just never even knew he was headed toward a massive war which would take his life. From psych wards, counseling, A.A. & NA meetings, jail, prison. He would pull himself up but never being able to stay sober for long. I believe now he should of been on some medication for depression. I should of taken him when he was young to a psychiatrist to get examined. He cried to me often. But one time, one of his sober times, I remember taking him to look for a job and he looked at me and said " Mom, what is wrong with me?" The addiction of course advanced to the point that he wished for death.

George was cheerful. He was a leader. Love and laughter was his daily attitude.

His smile and how he could just magically lighten up the atmosphere!


His smile and how he could just magically lighten up the atmosphere!

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Geoffrey Pierce
Age 26

Geoff loved baseball, and was a co-captain of his high school baseball team as well as a member of Bristol American Legion Post 2. Geoff continued to be involved in sports after college as a member of the Bristol Greeners and played on several local slow-pitch softball teams. Geoff was also a natural performer who had a knack for imitation, whether it is impersonations or his ear for music and song. Along with his charismatic personality and contagious smile that would light up a room, anyone who knew him could sense his genuineness. Geoff always gave his undivided attention to a person, even if it was a stupid joke or you needed someone to talk to or needed advice. His keenness to your feelings made you feel special and valuable.

Geoffrey struggled with addiction for many years, more than his parents had known. But his most intense struggle was probably in the past 3 - 4 years. I honestly think he was masking some deep depression/pain combined with his inability to really cope with just 'life in general'. When we were together recently driving back from Florida (where he'd spent nearly 18 months in and out of rehab facilities), he shared with me how it all started, pills. He knew that cocaine could get him into 'trouble', but he just didn't think that abusing pills would. Once they became too expensive he resorted to heroin. He OD'd once that we know of when he returned home briefly in 2014 on his birthday and was revived with shots of narcan. He said due to that near death experience he was done. Obviously the gripe of his addiction was too tight. Shortly after Christmas 2015 he told his Mom & I he wanted to come home, so I flew to Florida on January 11th and we drove his car back, arriving home on the 12th. During the drive he said one of the many reasons he wanted to be back home (aside from missing family and friends) was he got tired of losing people he'd gotten close to. He counted 15 in the time he was there that had died from overdose. Five days later his Mom found him in his room.

Being with his family, especially his cousins, and his friends. He loved children too, and had this incredible knack for relating well to them. Movies, he LOVED movies and he could easily recite a line or scene from the hundreds of movies he'd seen. Our family dog Bailey, a beautiful and loving Goldendoodle.

Everything ! But mostly his smile, his quirky laugh and his genuine care for others, beyond himself, especially the underdog. RIP Geoffrey Michael Pierce, you are missed beyond what words can even begin to describe. We love you son - Dad & Mom.


Everything ! But mostly his smile, his quirky laugh and his genuine care for others, beyond himself, especially the underdog. RIP Geoffrey Michael Pierce, you are missed beyond what words can even begin to describe. We love you son - Dad & Mom.

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Gene Crumpler
Age 49

Warm loving father and husband. Smart, funny, caring, sensitive.

Struggled for many years with alcohol and prescription meds. Was in and out of treatment for years. Reached a point where he just could not stand the pain and drank one night until he didn't wake up.

Something silly. His children.

His arms wrapped around me, his kisses, his love. Just being here with us to watch his kids grow up into the fine young men they have become.


His arms wrapped around me, his kisses, his love. Just being here with us to watch his kids grow up into the fine young men they have become.

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Gabriel Nahmias
Age 25

Even though Gabriel struggled with addiction, ADHD and Bi-Polar I Disorder, these diagnoses did not define him. He was so much more than his struggles. Gabriel, the youngest of our four sons, was born on Valentine's Day, and he truly was our "funny Valentine." From a very early age he had a rare spark and energy about him that could light up a room. He was passionate, funny and so very loving. During elementary and middle school even though her was diagnosed with ADHD, he was also placed in gifted classes and was extremely imaginative. Music and computer programming were his two greatest passions. But he also loved the idea of having a family of his own and someday. A few weeks after his recent death we found a list of his life goals that he had written several years before: "Finish college as some kind of engineer, be it biomedical, computer or electronic. Create a device that services mankind in some way, as in restoring senses to the disabled, help form a system of wireless energy distribution to service a wide array of devices, and possibly make another device to facilitate telepathy, even to transfer music and art for example, from your head to a computer; have a family with a daughter named Ava." Even though he had such high-achieving goals, he was also quite fun-loving and nothing meant more to him that his family and friends. His favorite television show was the BBC series Dr. Who and the last few Halloweens of his life he dressed up like the character "The Doctor" and had the time of his life!

Frequently before he started high school, he would talk about how much he hated "drugs" and reassured his father and me with great conviction that he would never get involved with them. He entered high school with a great group of friends, and with a solid self-esteem. However, he began to have serious anxiety and panic attacks and the medication his Dr. gave him did not help. He could no longer tolerate his meds for ADHD. Thus, his inability to focus impacted his grades and motivation for school. During 10th grade he began to smoke weed to alleviate his anxiety. Despite, a great deal of therapy and attempts at prescription meds, he continued to spiral downward. His drug use began to include inhalants, and LSD. Several placements at the local mental health center as well as numerous rehabs did not help. By 18 he was dx with Bi-Polar and thus as having a Dual Dx. But the recommended treatments did not help. He continued to relapse and to struggle with anxiety, depression and mood swings. By his senior year, he was involved with harder drugs and barely graduated from HS. During the summer after his freshman year in college he started using IV heroin. More rehabs followed, but as much as he wanted to succeed, nothing helped for long. He started doing IV cocaine along with the heroin. During 2014 he became suicidally depressed and had three very serious attempts. He remained sober and received numerous meds and treatments for his depression but nothing helped much. By summer of 2014 he began trying a new treatment for depression and drug cravings (Ketamine injections) in Denver. He had only had a few of treatments but they seemed to be helping. He was talking positively about moving to Denver. We had to come back to Memphis but were planning to return to Denver ASAP so he could finish his treatments and move there. The night of 9/3/14 we returned home. The next day we found him dead from an OD. We will never know for sure if it was accidental or intentional.

Little children and animals were the things that made him smile the most as well as his girlfriends, one of whom he called "giggle."

I miss his smile and laugh and voice. I miss his hugs and his "I love" yous. Also, before the drugs wore him down, his passion for life and his loving, authentic, nonjudgmental spirit.


I miss his smile and laugh and voice. I miss his hugs and his "I love" yous. Also, before the drugs wore him down, his passion for life and his loving, authentic, nonjudgmental spirit.

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Ethan Plath
Age 25

He had such a big heart! Someone who you could depend on when you needed a shoulder...he loved his mom so much...I remember him telling me who ever he marries better love his mom because she'll be living with them...

His struggle began when his brother died in a single car accident...ethan just couldn't get past that pain...

I'm going to miss how he approached me...I'm going to miss his smile...His advice and protection...I'm going to miss the times when I could just spend the night as friends because I needed someone...nightly drives...I'm just going to miss everything! Especially his big heart and how he could light up the room!


I'm going to miss how he approached me...I'm going to miss his smile...His advice and protection...I'm going to miss the times when I could just spend the night as friends because I needed someone...nightly drives...I'm just going to miss everything! Especially his big heart and how he could light up the room!

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Erik Blom
Age 29

Erik was a gifted and talented artist. He graduated with a degree as graphic design major and a minor in web design, illustration, sculpture, print making, musician. He loved to create beauty and loved to enjoy creation. He was an artist and also was a gardener, a landscaper, a luthier, a woodworker, a painter, a handy man, loved animals, and most of all a wonderful son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend. He approached life as an explorer who longed to teach about what he had discovered.

Erik battled a severe depression/anxiety disorder from an early age. He had a traumatic birth which now they believe may have been the beginning of the disorder. His substance abuse started with using weed in the 7th grade. It didn't help that a mom would trade him her pain killers for weed. A 14 year battle with periods of hope that he would beat the addiction. It was always the anxiety and PTSD that brought him to the point where he gave up. So many years battling the legal stuff with probation violations for weed. 2 years ago he made a deal with the cops to be a confidential informant. From then on the hole just got deeper. On November 7, 2011 he used heroin for the first time. On April 30, 2014 he had been clean for 6 months. At 2:22 a.m. on May 1st Erik used. He died immediately.

Erik smiled at his sister, Chloe's jokes and when they watch their favorite TV shows together. He smiled when he heard great music. He smiled while watching kittens, cats, puppies, and dogs play. He laughed and danced his crazy Erik dance around the house just to make others laugh. He smiled when he worked with his dad in the guitar shop. He smiled when talking to friends. He smiled when seeing little kids. He smiled when he teased people he loved.

I have stepped into the position he held in our family business. I miss him everyday as I walk in shoes that are way to big for me to fill. We would work together. He would teach me what he knew about gardening, landscaping, art, painting, creating, graphic design. I was a better person with him here. He challenged me to think outside the box. He challenged my to know why I believe what I believed. He inspired me to be original.


I have stepped into the position he held in our family business. I miss him everyday as I walk in shoes that are way to big for me to fill. We would work together. He would teach me what he knew about gardening, landscaping, art, painting, creating, graphic design. I was a better person with him here. He challenged me to think outside the box. He challenged my to know why I believe what I believed. He inspired me to be original.

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Erica Grossman
Age 30

Erica was a beautiful, spirited, passionate and compassionate young lady who loved animals, cherished her friends, adored her brothers, respected her grandparents and wanted only to live and let live and enjoy life on her own terms. She was a talented artist, writer and jewelry designer. She had so much to live for but for some reason never felt good enough about herself. She was a bit of a rebel with a huge heart. She was the most generous person I know.

She started smoking weed in middle school (frustrated that her parents sent her from public to private school; she never related to the "rich spoiled kids" she met there...) Her addiction then progressed to pills and then heroin. She was in and out of treatment programs from age 15 until she died right after her 30th birthday. She tried so hard so many times but the addiction was much stronger than she was.

What made her smile? Her kitties, her friends, her brothers, her aunts and uncles and cousins who loved her unconditionally. She could not tolerate those who were judgmental or arrogant. She saw right through phoniness. She helped those in need and always looked out for those who were hurting. She had a huge heart and was generous to a fault. If she felt you were real, she would do anything to help you. She defended and protected the underdogs. She was the most unselfish person I've ever known.

I miss her sparkling smile and her genuine laugh. I miss her sweetness and her generous spirit. I miss her sense of justice. I miss her hugs. I miss her ability to convince anyone of anything. (Manipulation? Perhaps...) I miss her poetry. I miss her love...


I miss her sparkling smile and her genuine laugh. I miss her sweetness and her generous spirit. I miss her sense of justice. I miss her hugs. I miss her ability to convince anyone of anything. (Manipulation? Perhaps...) I miss her poetry. I miss her love...

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Ephraim Schultz
Age 21

Ephraim David will be forever 21 yrs old. He was polite, compassionate and a hard worker. He always was available to help someone in need and it wasn't uncommon for him to go out of his way to be helpful to his family and to others. He had dreams, hopes and aspirations.

Ephraim was introduced to marijuana while in 8th Grade at Catholic Academy in Buffalo, NY. He then moved to the Clarence, NY area where he was introduced to other drugs. In 2003 he was in a car accident and was given a prescription for opiates for pain. He quickly fell into abusing them and in 2005 he was found deceased by an overdose of poly pharmacy.

He smiled most often when he saw me or my mom. He loved his Nana! He loved animals and he loved competing with his father at a chess game!

I miss his hands. His smile. His chuckle and the way he said Ma to me.


I miss his hands. His smile. His chuckle and the way he said Ma to me.

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Emmett Scannell
Age 20

Emmett was a 20-year-old college sophomore studying computer science on a full academic scholarship. He had an amazing spirit – with an infectious smile that could just light up a room. I can’t even begin to tell you about him in three minutes - but bottom line – Emmett was the average American teen. He loved video games, hanging out with his friends and BMX biking. Em was an accomplished student, graduating high school as a member of the NHS (and a 4.27 GPA which he loved to brag about). He was the best big brother that his 9-year-old sister could ever ask for – often spending hours bouncing on the trampoline and mastering new “tricks” with her. He enjoyed spending time with his father and 18-year-old brother – watching movies, going to football games, hanging at their lake house in Maine. He was that polite, respectful young man that you wanted your daughter to bring home. Until Heroin found him.

Within 6 weeks of beginning college, Heroin found my son Emmett and for lack of any better word, he became enslaved by this drug. It dictated how his money was spent, how his time was spent, even when he saw his family & friends – Em was no longer a free person. As parents, we did EVERYTHING in our power to help our son –unfortunately, because he was 18yrs old and still living what appeared to be a “normal” life to outsiders (great grades, never in trouble with the law, no threats of violence) our options was extremely limited. Beyond two “spin-dry” detox stays (the second of which Em signed himself out of early), treatment wasn’t deemed “medically necessary” by our insurance company – and the $30,000 price tag was financially prohibitive for our family. And so this horrible dance with the dragon continued – Emmett lied, he stole, he manipulated those around him – worst of all he shut out his father & I – I knew in my heart that this wasn’t MY son, this was his disease. Heroin had found him…and within 18 short months…it killed him.

Throughout the progression of his disease, Em sold almost all of his personal possessions, and those not worth any money were essentially discarded. Three things he held on to – his prized BMX bike that he had built and re-built numerous times over the years – a wonderful reminder of hours spent with his best friends, and two framed photographs – one of he and his sister, Alice (the love between them just radiating out through their smiles) and one old photograph of he and I – he must have been just 4 or 5. The frame of the photo contains the beginning lines to the song “You are my Sunshine” – a song I sang to him frequently as a child. Emmett will forever be my sunshine – and no matter how grey the skies, I will work to shine his light into the lives of others.


Throughout the progression of his disease, Em sold almost all of his personal possessions, and those not worth any money were essentially discarded. Three things he held on to – his prized BMX bike that he had built and re-built numerous times over the years – a wonderful reminder of hours spent with his best friends, and two framed photographs – one of he and his sister, Alice (the love between them just radiating out through their smiles) and one old photograph of he and I – he must have been just 4 or 5. The frame of the photo contains the beginning lines to the song “You are my Sunshine” – a song I sang to him frequently as a child. Emmett will forever be my sunshine – and no matter how grey the skies, I will work to shine his light into the lives of others.

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Ellen Hassinger
Age 22

Ellen was a very loving person. she would always have a smile, and try to cheer up others. She left behind a beautiful young daughter, whom she loved very much. She had been a top notch swimmer, before her addiction. She held statewide and club records for her speed. Once she reached high school, everything changed, but her heart was still loving and kind, and her smile, beautiful!

Somehow, her self confidence and interest in her future came tumbling down. Her mom was a single parent, and tried very hard to give her good life. Ellen's compassion for others led her to befriend the downtrodden, and spend time with people who were not the most upstanding folk... She made bad choices. She began to use drugs in high school, and her family helped her to attend a recovery program/school, out of state, for 18 months. She did well there, but had relapses after she graduated from high school. Once she was 18, there was little her family could do, other than to tell her often how much we loved her, and encourage her to get help. Though she dearly loved her daughter, she was not able to get herself clean, and maintain custody. She moved out of state, and rejected all attempts by her loved ones to help her find a new path. Unfortunately, she died of an overdose of heroin, presumed by police to have been mixed with another lethal drug. Her family (mother and brother) are raising her daughter, and cherish the memory of the sweet, kind girl that she was.

Her daughter, friends, butterflies

Everything. She was my niece. My daughters grew up being good friends with her. They miss her terribly. We are all so sad that there was no way to save her...she just did not want to be saved, she did not think this could happen to her, she thought some day she could stop.


Everything. She was my niece. My daughters grew up being good friends with her. They miss her terribly. We are all so sad that there was no way to save her...she just did not want to be saved, she did not think this could happen to her, she thought some day she could stop.

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Elizabeth Guay
Age 29

Caring, kind, selfless, loving, sweet, stubborn, determined, strong, beautiful, resilient, captivating, passionate, funny... Elise was by far the most amazing person I have ever met, I told her this daily. Her smile was so genuine and warm. Her eyes were the bluest blue and so full of life. Elise had the biggest heart and never ceased to amaze me with her capacity to care for others. Elise have hugs that were out of this world and was always so positive. She loved music and animals. Despite her quiet demeanor she had a powerful way with words. She spoke eloquently and wrote beautifully.

Elise endured a 10 year battle with her addiction. At the time of her death she was 6 month away from celebrating 5 years of being clean. She is the strongest person I've met.

Her dog Mackipoo, Dallas Cowboys, her Jeep, music, sunglasses, dancing, her perfect hair, her brother, her fiancee, butterfinger cups and cookies!

I miss her laughter and hugs. I miss seeing her smiling face after a long day at work. I miss waking up next to her beautiful, sleepy face.


I miss her laughter and hugs. I miss seeing her smiling face after a long day at work. I miss waking up next to her beautiful, sleepy face.

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Dusty Johnson
Age 25

Dusty was a son and a brother. Dusty was fun loving, kind, generous and a friend. He made so many close friends in his life. He was very loyal to his friends and family. He was a good person who never meant to hurt anyone. Dusty was a natural athlete and loved soccer. He participated in club soccer and it was his identity for a long time. Anything he wanted to do he would excel at. He was so talented at everything he did. He loved the outdoors and animals. He helped so many people and touched so many lives.

Dusty was a heroin addict. He started with opiates and progressed to a heroin addiction. He got on a methadone treatment voluntarily and then relapsed. Dusty would steal to support his habits and faced legal ramifications. He was eventually sentenced to a state substance abuse program and was very successful in the program. He completed the program and transferred to a halfway house and served a successful year of probation. He overcame so much and there so many additional stressors through his recovery. In the past few months we heard less from him and he ran from his obligations. We know that so many factors contributed to his decision to take his own life. Dusty wrote a few journal entries while he was locked up I want to share. "I was actually about to just leave one day cause I had 4,500 dollars saved. But I didnt and I spent it all on heroin in a week and a half. What was I doing? I dont know how Im still alive." "Beyond the reach of human range, A drop of hell, a touch of strange..." "But now I see, I saw, experienced, felt something more powerful than earth, it was heaven, GOD, Jesus Christ, angels, H-O-M-E..." (Heaven on Mother Earth) "Then he showed me Proverbs 21, I told him that warmth was the only word me and others with the same experience of death could explain it with."

Family and friends were Dusty's life. Dusty was always spending time outside, playing soccer and golf and he was a natural athlete. He loved music, books and movies. He loved jokes and pranks with friends.

We miss seeing and hugging Dusty. We loved his laugh and his smile. Dusty was a hard worker and would selflessly give. He would help those in need and we know he changed so many people's lives.


We miss seeing and hugging Dusty. We loved his laugh and his smile. Dusty was a hard worker and would selflessly give. He would help those in need and we know he changed so many people's lives.

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Drew Miller
Age 27

Drew was an AMAZING man. He was a father, husband, son, brother, and friend. He was the kind of person who would have given you the shirt off his back. He absolutely adored his daughter. He enjoyed showing and teaching her his love for the outdoors. He would take her fishing, hunting, and taking her for walks in the woods. He was the best husband and father I could have ever wished for!!!

Drew struggles with addiction for years. It started in High School and just continued to get worse over the years. The last three years were the worst though. That was when heroin came into the picture and it was a downward spiral. He had very small periods of being clean, but it never lasted too long.

His and family, friends, and being outdoors were the light of his life. That's what made him happy and that is what he spent all his time surrounding himself with.

What I miss most about Drew is watching him with our amazimg daughter Rory. They loved playing together and swing dancing together. I miss our conversations we used to have and his hugs and kisses. I miss seeing him on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and most of all I miss him EVERY day.


What I miss most about Drew is watching him with our amazimg daughter Rory. They loved playing together and swing dancing together. I miss our conversations we used to have and his hugs and kisses. I miss seeing him on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and most of all I miss him EVERY day.

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Doug Miller Jr
Age 30

Ive been reading many of the loved ones entrys here and I find it amazing that there seems to be so many similarities amongst our lost loved ones. Doug was such a kind, loving and gentle soul. He loved to write and play music ( guitar, piano and drums), loved to cook and was so very creative in the kitchen, loved to eat a good meal too! He was a person that could just light up a room when he walked in, his smile His laughter was contagious and he always wanted to make others feel good. I have heard from so many since he passed about how he reached out to them, supported them in their time of need. I saw him on Facebook that just one hour before he passed away, he was wishing someone a Happy Birthday. That's just how he always was. Doug was my first born child, he and I were inseparable throughout most of his younger years. Where ever I went, he always wanted to go too and I was happy to take him. We developed a deep friendship and could laugh and be goofy one minute or have deep philosophical conversations over mugs of coffee and a smoke. He was always very expressive with affection and was NEVER shy to hug and kiss anyone, male or female! He just made you feel like you were the most important person when you were in his presence. Even at the height of his addiction, he never abused or was disrespectful of his family. Not long before he passed away and as he was working his 4th and 5th step of the AA program he came to me crying, making amends for anything he may have said or done to hurt me. I told him I had already forgiven him, that my love for him was unconditional regardless of the outcome of his disease. I still feel this way today. I have no regrets as I know as he took his last breathes on this earth he knew he was loved by not only myself, but many many others!

Doug began using marijuana and alcohol after his father I and separated when he was about 15. There is an extensive history of alcoholism/addiction in our family tree. Im sure it started out as fun and probably was for quite a long time as his usage of chemicals progressed from cocaine to opiates ( prescriptions) to finally heroin ( when pills became too hard and expensive to buy). He began smoking/snorting heroin and was actually introduced to IV use by an addicted police officer he met in a treatment program. Doug was in jail treatment, prison alternative treatment, and IOP. He attended 100's of AA/NA meetings and attempted to work the program. He loved recovery and all that came with it however his addiction fought for its own survival. He had a lot of stress due to all of the mess that needed to be cleaned up. He was sober for six months when he relapsed. He passed away at the home of his girlfriend Helga and her children. Doug loved Helga very much and cherished both her and her children. I know that he would not have ever hurt any of them intentionally, although his death has brought much hurt sadness and yes even anger at the senselessness of it all! I think the fact that he made promises, that he spoke of wanting to live and knowing that one more use could result in his death, speaks to just how powerful, baffling and cunning this disease is.

Doug was ALWAYS smiling! He had the most wonderful beautiful smile, perfect straight white teeth! Being with family and friends, hanging out with his brother Michael, being with his girlfriend Helga and her children, playing guitar, listening to music he loved, watching movies or funny videos, being in nature.

I miss everything about Doug! The way he made me laugh or our deep conversations. He had the most fantastic hugs. I miss him playing music and me singing with him. I miss his cooking. I miss thinking about him getting married or the grandchildren I would possibily be able to enjoy that he helped to create. I miss having hopes and dreams for his future, of the career he could achieve, of seeing him happy and successful! I miss his phone calls or texts or him just saying " I love you mama" Not a day goes by that I dont miss my son....;(


I miss everything about Doug! The way he made me laugh or our deep conversations. He had the most fantastic hugs. I miss him playing music and me singing with him. I miss his cooking. I miss thinking about him getting married or the grandchildren I would possibily be able to enjoy that he helped to create. I miss having hopes and dreams for his future, of the career he could achieve, of seeing him happy and successful! I miss his phone calls or texts or him just saying " I love you mama" Not a day goes by that I dont miss my son....;(

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Donna Cassenti
Age 57

My Mother was Born in 1956. My mother was A beautiful, caring empathetic person who'd give her shirt off her back for anyone! She worked in a hospital for over 20 years and won the "Care Award There". The qualities people see in me come from my mother. She loved to cook and was A great cook. She loved music, her friends and family most. The best quality about her was her smile and laugh! She could light up a room with her smile and turn someone's bad day into a good one with her laugh. I truly miss her but, the best part of her is in me.

My mom had the stomach surgery in 2005 and after she developed a taste for alcohol and become addicted. The addiction was always there... The door just needed to be open. In the end of her life she was addicted to anything that would help her sleep

Her family, friends, puppies

I miss joking around with her and just being with my mother. I miss her over all presence in the physical form... The flesh.


I miss joking around with her and just being with my mother. I miss her over all presence in the physical form... The flesh.

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