Women having conversation

Research shows the words we use influence our perceptions.

A selfie of the author and her father, smiling
Kristin Gourlay

I remember the first AA meeting my dad took me to. 

A young woman with short dark hair leans her fist on her chin and looks out a high-rise window

This Alcohol Awareness Month, find out if it's time to seek help.

Women holding arms

Five Things to Know

Black women in recovery

In honor of Women’s History Month, explore a few triumphs in America's history with addiction, achieved by historic heroines.

Nzinga Harrison, MD, DFAPA
Nzinga Harrison, MD, DFAPA

To honor those who came before us and those who continue to champion the cause today.

Stephanie Hazard on boat
Stephanie Hazard

Learning how to love myself has been my greatest struggle and my greatest gift. 

Man covering his face in his hands
Kelsey Ferrara

Nitazenes are illicit opioids that have been growing in popularity across the US. 

Beautiful couple playing outside
Natasha Magino

Recovery is not the end; it's a beginning filled with possibilities for fulfillment. 

A non-alcoholic drink sitting on a table next to a lemon
Shelby John

After a few sips, a switch flipped in my brain. I started to fantasize about this drink, about the feeling of a good buzz. 

Hispanic woman in a jean jacket looking directly at the viewer
María Ramos

I had my first sip of beer at the age of 6. It was just a sip – like training wheels. 

A postcard saying "Dry January" propped up next to a wooden calendar
Amy Bridges

While Dry January does have the power to do some good, it also simplifies a complex, nuanced issue.

Two muppets talking in a park
Kelsey Ferrara

The holidays can bring up painful emotions, especially for those of us who have lost a loved one. 

Nurse crossing his arms
Shatterproof Editorial team

Knowing how to prep for surgery can help with the recovery process that follows. 

Brain smiling in front of a lake, someone off-screen is holding up a fish in front of him.
Gary Mendell

Our founder and CEO, Gary Mendell, shares the story of how Shatterproof began ten years ago. 

Teen talking to a therapist

Help make mental health resources accessible

We need your support reversing addiction and promoting mental health across communities.
