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Jeffrey Barron Cooper

Age 54
Loving father, avid outdoorsman, deeply missed
Jeffrey Cooper
Age 54

He was a loving father of 5 children, 2 boys and 3 girls. He was a grandfather of 6 and was absolutely head over heels for his grandbabies. He was also a son, a brother, "uncle Jeffy", and a friend. My Dad was the most selfless, giving man when he was sober. He didn't have much in life but he was content with what he had, and he would give it all to anyone in need. I don't think in my 22 years of life, I ever heard my Dad talk down about someone or say any mean words about anyone. He was amazingly talented in many aspects including drawing, poems, and crafting. He loved to keep busy, if he didn't have something to build or fix he wasn't happy. My Dad was also an avid outdoors man and took pride in his hunting and fishing abilities.

My father had his first drink of alcohol at 12 years old. Throughout his life, he was able to get sober for a month here, a year there, but ultimately his addiction pulled him back in. While in his addiction he lied, cheated, and stole. He was homeless more often than not, and many times out of his own choice. The man with the bottle was a night and day difference from my father when he was sober. My father preferred alcohol and would drink anything that could get him drink. Mouthwash, hand sanitizer, you name it, he tried it. He also struggled with drug addiction throughout the years.

Being outdoors or with his children and grandchildren. Get his family together, prop him up near a lake, and put on some old Garth Brooks and he was in heaven.

Everythong. Mostly his hugs and his humor.

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Truly McKirgan

Forever in our Hearts
Truly McKirgan

Truly was a kind spirit. She was a fun loving daughter & sister. She loved to play softball, read, dance, and sing.

Truly's struggles started 8 years ago. She did have 2 years sober in those 8 years but after her relapse she just couldn't seem to beat the disease. She put up a fierce fight all the way to the end. Unfortunately, the substance abuse won :(

Truly loved her family and family gatherings.

We miss everything about Truly!! I would take the CRAZY back anytime over this pain. I miss her big beautiful blue eyes and beautiful smile. I would love to hear her call me mommy just one more time. Snuggling, watching a movie, any movie.


Truly McKirgan
July 9, 1990 - September 29, 2016

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Kassaundra Elizabeth suzanna Kovac marze

Age 35
Precious soul lost too soon
Kassaundra Kovac marze
Age 35

Bright independent go getter that put her heart and soul into learning new things. Was loved by anyone that met her, loved her family and cherished her son.

Initially developed an addiction to pain killers for a genetic spinal condition, and after her divorce in 2010, met others who used street drugs and began a spiral into full blown addiction. She received inpatient treatment in 2013 as a result of court involvement, finished treatment but did not change her lifestyle of people, places, and things, and repeatedly relapsed as a result. Finally in January 2016, she needed to truly change as she moved her teenage son back into family home but again kept in contact with her old friends and made a fatal mistake of relapsing on pure fentanyl the morning of July 13 2016. Before 2010 she was the least likely person to have used any type of drugs having witnessed the carnage of active addiction in her family. Even knowing this and having friends, cousins, uncles, and stepparents die from the effects of addiction she still fell prey to its lure and was not able to overcome it's hold. A momentarily lapse of judgement and reason took her away from the son who loved and adored her and the many friends and family that held hope that she would be able to overcome her addiction. She is missed by those who knew and loved her and believed in her potential to overcome the addiction and battle the mental illness of depression and chronic pain that led her down the path to her senseless death.

Watching her son grow into a proud, compassionate young man. Sharing memories of her family and being a practical joker.

Every single thing; the promise of another day. But most of all looking into her precious blue eyes when she wasn't squinting to see.


Determined proud mother of one, who despite knowing the dangers of active addiction, fatality relapsed, leaving many loved ones in disbelief that a life could end so suddenly and senselessly.

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Anthony D Lund

Age 22
Loving son, Best big brother
Anthony Lund
Age 22

Anthony was an amazing son, a loving and protective big brother, and a great friend to all. Always wanting to help the underdog, he would give the shirt off his back to help someone in need. He had the most beautiful heart, and loved to make people laugh. He was my first-born, and couldn't have been a better son.

Anthony didn't use very long, or very often. He started using pills with a girl he was dating. Eventually the pills were too expensive and not enough, so he started shooting heroin and fentanyl. Just one and a half years in, he was in tears over his struggle. Asked for help, but was turned away by the time we found a bed in a detox because he tested negative for heroin and the place wouldn't test for fentanyl. He tried to stay away from it, but he passed away just a few months later.

His family made him smile. Especially his younger brothers and sisters. He LOVED music and was never seen without his headphones in! He also loved animals and loved helping others.

I miss his smile, his laugh, his hugs. I miss listening to music with him and just sitting and talking. I miss cooking for him and hearing him brag about "Mom's cooking!" I miss everything about him.


My son Anthony lost his battle just weeks before his 23rd birthday. It was a short struggle, less than 2 years, before it took his life. The oldest of 8 surviving siblings, he was the best big brother. And my first-born, he was a true Mama's boy. R.I.P. my beautiful heart will never be whole without you. Anthony D. Lund 12/24/93-11/29/16

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Joshua Joseph Gauthier

Age 35
Beloved, family man, caring, father
Joshua Gauthier
Age 35

Growing up he loved to go to construction sites with his dad. Before the age of 10, he could easily operate bobcats and other machinery. He loved dirt bikes and riding them on trails. When it came to building things, Joshua had a real talent and loved following in his father and grandfathers footsteps, starting his own career in construction after high school.
Shortly after Joshua and his girlfriend found out they were expecting, Joshua was beyond excited to become a dad. When his son was born, he found purpose in his life and loved working and coming home to his family. Sadly 6.5 weeks after their son was born, he passed away from SIDS. Joshua found his son one morning before work when he went to kiss him goodbye. His sons death left him broken and he was never the same.
After his sons death, Joshua had a daughter and another son. He tried to be the best dad he could to them and would often work long days, sometimes multiple jobs, to do this. While he loved his children immensely, he still always felt a void in himself from the death of his son years prior.
Joshua will always be remembered by all for his willingness to help everyone, even if he didn't know them. His compassion towards others was unlike anyone else. He especially enjoyed spending the 4th of July holiday going to parades with his children and family and having cookouts. His death has left a void in all of our lives and we all miss him every single day.

Joshua kept his struggle hidden, it wasn't until just before he passed away we learned of it.

His children, he lived his life for them. They were his greatest pride and gave him a purpose.
Joshua also enjoyed spending time with his family and having cook outs or making his famous spaghetti and meatballs.

Spending time together, he almost always had a smile on his face. He would do anything to help you.


Joshua was a loving father, son, brother, uncle, and friend. He was always willing to help anyone, anytime. He took a piece of all of our hearts when he passed away. Though his life was short, he left an impact on many.

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Melanie Majewski

Age 33
Daughter, mother, sister, friend
Melanie Majewski
Age 33

Melanie had a smile that could light up any room. She had a heart of gold and loved her family. She enjoyed singing and had a beautiful voice. She was so smart, all through school she got A's & B's without even trying. She was my heart & soul.

Melanie began drinking & smoking pot in her junior year of high school. For some it is just a phase, but for Melanie & many like her, it becomes a deadly disease. She quickly moved on to other drugs. At the age of 22, she began smoking crack & lost everything. She worked very hard to get sober, regain custody of her son, & get a job. She did well for awhile but soon fell back into the old habits of going out, drinking, & smoking weed. At some point she tried Oxycontin & was in love which led to heroine. She went to rehab many times but her love of heroine & her need to be high was too strong, nothing seemed to work for any length of time. She could never get ahead of it. She hated the the life she was living, there were overdoses & suicide attempts. She tried Methadone & Suboxone. She was also on many prescription drugs. There was no long term treatment to deal with her addiction & mental health issues. On April 15, 2015 her life ended in a hotel room alone.

Her son, Cameron. The love of her life, Jack, who chose to be with her the day before her funeral. Food made her smile, she loved to eat. Her cat, Sam. Laughing & joking with her family & friend. Being sober. All these things made Melanie smile.

I miss everything about Melanie, her hugs, her laughter, & her smile. I miss her crazy stories & her jokes. I miss her smell. I miss her love even though I still feel her with me all the time.


Melanie was a beautiful, intelligent, loving young woman who struggled with mental health issues & addiction for over 16 years. She lost her battle at the age of 33. She will live in the hearts of all who loved her forever.

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Sarah Clore
Age 39
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Alyssa Daniels Hagenbaugh

Age 25
Loving Daughter, Sister, Nicknamed Smiles
Alyssa Hagenbaugh
Age 25

Alyssa lived to laugh and smile. She loved music, dance, the ocean, her sister, and momma. She was a loving daughter. She enjoyed hula hooping on the beach. She was a caring and compassionate person who could be very dramatic or withdrawn. She loved to make other people smile with silliness and laughter. She had dreams.

She hid her drug use well. It started with gateway drugs and progressed to heroin use. She encountered trauma and abuse. Co-dependency got her kicked out of her 1st treatment center. Her last attempt at rehab ended 5 months prior to her death.

Other people, being silly, hula hooping, travel, her dogs, her sister, and talking about her future adventures.

Her laugh, her beautiful smile, and warm hugs. I miss what she could have become and that her dreams didn't come true.
I miss everything about her.


My youngest daughter suffered trauma at a young age. She found her father dead at 12.
Years later, she succumbed to drug use, which resulted in her death almost 8 months ago. She had dreams and goals. Her smile would light up everyone around her. She had the potential for greatness. She encountered a very abusive husband who exacerbated her use of drugs and she suffered severe domestic violence by someone she had trusted. She is missed everyday.

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Merrill Bernstein

Age 31
Extremely hard and dedicated worker. A father to two amazing children, Colton and Cayden. A wonderful brother to Scotty and Haynes Bernstein. Merrill was always willing to help anyone in need.
Merrill Bernstein
Age 31

Merrill was an extremely loving and caring person who was always willing to help anyone in need, sometimes going out of his way to offer help if he felt it was needed. Merrill also was a father to two beautiful children. He loved them so much and wanted nothing more than to be a father to them and provide everything he could. He was always extremely dedicated to work, and would do anything and everything to make the next dollar, including opening and running his own gutter cleaning/roof repair company, which his little brother now runs. Merrill had always been an entrepreneur and was always thinking of another business to start.

Merrill had an extremely rough childhood and upbringing. This made him put up an emotional block to life, love, and emotions at a very young age. He then turned to drugs which just made everything worse; just trying to numb his pain. With the life that comes with addiction, Merrill began living the life of an addict and doing whatever it took to get his next high. He then was caught at the wrong place wrong time and was arrested and served a 6-year prison bid. Once he was released, we ended up back together, getting a house and pregnant with our first. A few months after Colton was born, no solution, the stress/pressure of a newborn, Merrill relapsed and it all went downhill from there. Again, in and out of jail and constant struggle. After multiple jail and prison sentences, rehab attempts, ODs, hospital visits, a restraining order and divorce, Merrill still struggled with the addiction that resulted in death.

Dirt bike riding, four wheeling, anything outdoorsy made Merrill smile lots! Off roading, driving crazy, boating, street biking, he always had a need for speed and was your typical adrenaline junkie. ? His children also, always put a smile on his face!

I miss Merrill's loving self. I miss the Merrill I met and fell in love with the day I layed eyes on him at 16. The father, husband, brother, son, best friend Merrill was. I miss him coming over in the mornings, I miss our trips to Dunkin Donuts for the kids, the morning snuggles, coffee and talks. I miss the good and I miss the bad. I miss being able to call, or text him whenever I want. I miss him being here, able to be a father he always wanted to be and the father my children loved, dearly. I miss him here and wish this drug never took his life.

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Aaron Benjamin Odom

Age 36
Gentle soul, loved so many and was loved by those who knew him.
Aaron Odom
Age 36

Retro Gamer. Loved the old Nintendo machines with deep passion. An avid lover of music: Tool, Skinny Puppy, They Might Be Giants, The Misfits, Morrissey, Jeff Buckley. A landscaper who put in a hard day's work. Loved fishing and was a crack shot with a pistol.

He struggled with various substances throughout most of his adult life in a cyclical pattern. Ending a good period of sobriety in the worst way possible.

All of the things he loved. Comics, music, certain books. Everquest powerleveling marathons. Road trips to see Skinny Puppy, Death Cab for Cutie or the Postal Service. Alabama A-Day games with the brothers and Mouse.

The complexity of how he came to be who he was. Even with our 7-year difference, we had so many of the same interests. When he was excited about something, which was often, he could command the room. In the 10+ years since we last lived together, I have missed him.


Aaron Benjamin Odom: My Brother, the Super Saiyan, Jedi, a lifelong member of the Fiend Club, and Honorary Companion Of The Hall, recently fell victim to The Spellplague. Drizzt and Guenhwyvar could not save him this time as they had so many times before.

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Ryan McKenna

Age 31
Father, Son, Brother, Friend, Resilient
Ryan McKenna
Age 31

Ryan touched the heart of so many people, more than he ever knew. He was a sweet and gentle soul who put others before himself. He loved his daughter, and had a passion for sharing his faith and love with an orphanage in Tecate, Mexico. He is greatly missed.

It was an up and down battle spanning over more than five years.

His daughter, his dogs Daisy and Jake, his faith in God, his family, and good rock music.

The way he made me feel—like I was the only person in the world that mattered. Through talking with others, it became evident that he had that affect on many people.


Ryan was one of the kindest people you'd ever meet, with a huge heart. He enjoyed talking to people and getting to know them, and genuinely cared.

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Christine Bahorich

Age 52
Mother, Best Friend, Funny, Beautiful, Amazing Heart
Christine Bahorich
Age 52
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My mom was someone who loved to make others happy and she did everything she could to show how much she loved her children. She worked in Chesapeake Public Schools in the cafeteria. She was going to get married in December of 2014 after waiting many years to find the right guy.

Earlier in life, she struggled with alcohol and nicotine addiction. She decided that her children were worth more than that so she decided to make the choice to quit.

Everything from babies and kitties to snow and jokes made her smile and laugh. She was a child at heart.

I miss everything about her. There is honestly nothing I miss more than her goodnight hugs and kisses and waking up to have coffee with her each morning.


My mom, Christine Bahorich, had the most amazing heart. Her laugh was contagious. My mom was my best friend, my heart, my everything.

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Brian Edward Harp

Age 32
Beloved Son, Brother, & Friend
Brian Harp
Age 32

Brian was funny, outgoing, loving, always helpful to others, he loved to cook, and his family was his most valued asset. His smile would light up the room, his laughter was infectious, and he always had a hug for everyone!! If you needed him, he would be there! And he always smelled good!!

Brian became addicted to prescription pain meds after a failed hernia surgery and back surgery. He couldn't slay the dragon and it eventually killed him by accidental overdose at home.

His family, his friends, animals, the beach, and dancing!

His smile, his voice, his large hugs, and his personality that made him him!


My beloved son Brian Edward Harp 2/19/1979 -8/13/2011 Forever in my heart!

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Caila Clouse
Age 27

She was my daughter. She was beautiful and loving and caring. She was a loving mother to her two sons.

Began 5 years ago following the death of her first child, a stillborn. It began with Xanax and progressed to heroin.

Her children!


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Dustyn James Archer

Age 25
Intelligent, talented, gentle soul, and wonderful son
Dustyn Archer
Age 25

Dustyn was a loving son and brother. He believed in equality for all and he was attracted to the strange, unusual, and, to him, interesting. He understood things that most people struggle all of their lives to figure out.

He began using around Oct. 2015 and he went to rehab in May of 2016, after losing one of his best friends to an overdose. He stayed in rehab through Sept 2016 and he relapsed and accidentally overdosed only 3 weeks after he was released from rehab. He had just found another sponsor and was to meet with him for the first time the day after he died. He stated his first sponsor "was too busy to there for him." ?

His family and friends and most of all, his sister. Good music and hanging out with friends at music festivals. Musical healing with his scymatics invention.

His hugs, his smile, and his music.


Dustyn was a kindred soul and worked deligently for equality for all. He was a talented musician and extremely intelligent. He felt the hurt of others and believed in saving the earth.

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Caleb Smythia

Age 20
Son, brother
Caleb Smythia
Age 20
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Caleb Smythia was my first born son, his brothers best friend, his sisters favorite person, and loved by all that knew him. His life was cut short due to an opioid addiction. It was a black market Percocet cut with synthetic fentanyl that ended his life on Christmas Day 2015 at the age of 20.

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Andrew John Butz

Age 21
Loving, caring, compassionate.
Andrew Butz
Age 21

Loved playing basketball and football. Was friends with everyone. Very funny and down to earth.

Stopped playing basketball when he started with opiates in high school. Was in his room all the time. Went to rehabs but insurance didn't let him do the whole 21 days. Never had the help he needed and wanted.

The Eagles. His family. Loved it when I fell down when we went skiing.

His laugh and playing around with me.


I am a Mom to a son AJ Butz who died of an overdose in 2012. He played basketball, was friends with everyone. Would do anything for you.

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Michael Konsevitch

Age 20
Kind, loved, big heart, funny
Michael Konsevitch
Age 20

Mike, also known as, Big Kons was a big guy with a big caring heart that he tried to hide. Mike was definitely not a talker and tended to hold things in. At times one had to suffice to getting the head nod as a "hi/hello". Even though he did not have much to say at times, he encompassed and impacted many people. Mike would do anything for anyone. He was always the tallest boy growing up & loved sports. It made my heart smile & I was proud watching him play sports. I was his biggest fan & hardly ever missed a basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, or football game. Mike loved football, specifically the Giants. His life was football and his dream was to play in the NFL. He was so loved by many & we miss him so much.

Mike started to experience I think in HS. By his senior year, his life started to spiral out of control & he had his first overdose. In May of his senior year he had another overdose and we sent him to Florida for treatment. He spent 2 years & 2 months in Florida, in & out of treatments. He was in jail twice as well. This disease was just too strong for him to fight. As strong as our love was for him and as strong as he thought he was, it was stronger & took our boy at the young age of 20. ~Forever 20~ Fly high baby boy

Family, friends, dog Lexi & football

Everything!! I even miss when he would yell "ma" when I got him pissed off, which was often. I miss hearing him come through the door. Miss his voice & handsome face.


Mike (Big Kons) had a big heart and kind soul. As quiet as he was at times he still was able to impact so many people's lives.

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Justice Briana Croutch

Age 21
Beautiful and Amazing Daughter who brought joy to everyone she met!
Justice Croutch
Age 21
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She was a beautiful girl with a kind spirit who loved to love. There wasn’t a person or animal she wouldn’t help, in fact we often joked that one day she’d end up being the “crazy old cat lady”. She was smart, witty, and funny. She loved to dance, watch movies, and shop. She LOVED to shop. She loved to write poetry and dreamed of one day having a family of her own. There are no words that can adequately describe how much she is missed.

Despite all that Justice had and all the love that surrounded her, inside she was battling demons. You see, Justice suffered from depression. She was struggling with feelings of sadness and hopelessness. And that depression and sadness led to misuse of prescription opioid medication and eventually heroin. She tried numerous times to turn this around, but unfortunately we lacked the programs and services that were essential to her recovery. In the end heroin won, and stole my baby from me.

Justice loved animals. She loved her cats. She would carry them around like babies. She told me once that they brought her so much joy because they loved her unconditionally. I am raising two of Justice's cats today. I love those cats...

I miss everything about my daughter. Her beautiful smile, and amazing wit. Her little voice, and her contagious laugh. I miss hearing her pick on her little brother, and I miss her telling me how much she loved me. I miss the energy she brought to a room. The way she would just start dancing in the middle of the living room, or her crazy schemes. I miss our talks, I really miss our talks.


My beautiful amazing daughter Justice lost her battle with addiction on August 23rd 2015. She went into sudden cardiac arrest after a heroin overdose. She survived, but her life has been altered in the most devastating way. The SCA caused an anoxic brain injury and she now remains in a persistent vegetative state with very little chance of recovery. More than likely, I will have to bring my daughter home with hospice care.

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Matthew Patrick Barrett

Age 32
"A Heart full of Kindness and Love"
Matthew Barrett
Age 32

I watched my son, Matthew struggle with substance use for over 12 years. He unfortunately lost his battle to addiction on 11/23/15 as a result of a tragic accident. I organized “Matt’s Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction” in his memory to hopefully end the stigma of addiction and raise awareness of addiction as a disease focusing on treatment not punishment. I saw firsthand the difficulties my son faced including the immense challenge of trying to rebuild his life. Matthew wanted desperately to be free of the chains holding him down to this horrific disease.

I miss his famous hugs! When Matthew hugged you, it was warm and genuine. I miss looking into his beautiful blue eyes. He was so proud of Alex and I enjoyed watching him interact and play together. I miss him at family gatherings. I miss EVERYTHING about him! My life will never ever be the same. I think of him each and everyday. My heart is broken.


Matthew loved his family above all else. He enjoyed a day of hiking, basketball, loved animals, sincere laughter, drawing and reading. He was a movie buff and had a huge collection of movies. Matthew was smart, kindhearted, respectful, and a loyal friend. He took pride in his appearance and had a particular fondness for sneakers, which he kept looking like new long after they came out of the box. He looked forward to owning his own home and building a future with the love of his life, Kim, and her son both of whom filled his life with love and joy.

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